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A prairie and a desert are different biomes and very distinct from each other. However, the primary source of energy in almost any ecosystem is the sun.

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the main source is light a.k.a the sun

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Q: How does the energy from the primary source move through the prairie ecosystem?
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Where does the primary source of all energy in an ecosystem come from?

The primary source of energy in an ecosystem is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy, in the form of glucose. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume plants or other organisms for energy.

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In an ecosystem the point of energy for the new energy is usually at the base. Energy flows from the primary to the secondary and finally to the tertiary sources.

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The rate at which the ecosystem produces chemical energy from sunlight.

What is the primary energy source for any ecosystem on earth?

The Sun.

Why are plants considered the primary producers in the ecosystem?

Plants convert solar energy (the primary energy source in the environment) into food and fuel.

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The primary energy sources of coal, natural gas, and petroleum oil.

What shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy Pyramid

How does energy moves through ecosystem?

the sun

What is the typical movement of energy through an ecosystem?

The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.

What shows how energy moves through an ecosystem is known as what?

energy pyramid

How does the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem differ from the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional and is not cyclic. It is represented in a flowchart form. The flow of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic like a water cycle. An example for flow of energy is :- sun --- producer --- primary consumer --- secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer --- decomposer. The energy remained in the is very little and it is released as heat. An example for flow of nutrients is :- air, water, soil --- producer --- primary consumer ----secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer ---- decomposer ---- air, water, soil--- and so on (cyclic)