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Plants convert solar energy (the primary energy source in the environment) into food and fuel.

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Q: Why are plants considered the primary producers in the ecosystem?
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In an ecosystem plants are called?

The living parts of an ecosystem is abiotic and biotic factors

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called?

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called producers. Most plants are producers, as they manufacture organic nutrients through the process of photosynthesis.

What is a primary producer?

Primary producers are plants or foliage that are at the beginning of every food chain/web. A primary producer is always eaten by a herbivore in ecology.

Why are green plants important for living things?

Green plants are important because the great majority of many an ecosystem's primary producers are photosynthetic plants. Thus, green plants.

What type of organisms are always producers?

Producers are organisms like green plants, which produce organic compounds from inorganic compounds. The plants are then eaten by consumers like the grazing animals. Plants are known as the primary producers.

How warly man became a food hunter from a food producer?

man was never a food producer. plants are the primary producers of our ecosystem

Do primary sources eat producers?

Primary consumers eat producers (plants).

Do plants help your ecosystem?

Yes, plants being producers play a very important role in our ecosystem.

Are plants primary consumers?

No, plants are producers. Herbivores are primary consumers.

Why are producers an essential component of an ecosystem?

Ecosystem producers are capable of producing their own food. Plants manufacture their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Plants as producers also give us oxygen.

What trophic level represents the largest biomassin this ecosystem?

primary biomass is lost the higher you ger in the trophic levels

Plants and other photosynthetic organisms are an ecosystem's?
