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how to make a well on the agar for pour the extract

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Q: What is the principle of agar diffusion method?
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What is the effect of size of uptake on diffusion in agar?

larger the size, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, hence the slower the rate of diffusion into the agar jelly :)

In the diffusion of liquids through agar what characteristic of liquid determines the rate at which it will travel through the agar?

The size of the molecules.

What is the difference between Kirby-Bauer and mueller-hinton?

Kirby-Bauer is the diffusion method you would use to test antibiotic sensitivity. The Mueller-Hinton is the agar plate in which you would do the method on. This is where the antibiotic discs would be places to test the sensitivity.

What process would cause acid to move through agar jelly?


Stimulus Diffusion ?

The spread of an underlying principle 

What is standard methods agar plates used for?

Agar plate method is used to culture bacteria in lab .

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What is the effect of the chloride ion concentration on its rate of diffusion in agar?

it will diffuse faster becuase it is more concentrated

What is the physical principle upon which kidney dialysis is based on?


What is the method called when the bacteria sample and nutrient agar are mixed before pouring?

Pour plate method

Explain the function of the 0.1 percent agar in the nitrate medium?

0.1 % agar reduces the diffusion of oxygen into medium and delays dispersion of reducing compounds and carbon dioxide, allowing growth of anaerobes.

Why not nutrient agar for antibiotic sensitivity test?

Because nutrient agar pH is low and it has less property to antibiotic diffusion that;why we use MHA for antibiotic suseptibility testing on ph variation antibiotic does not properly work