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Q: What is the principle of phosphate test?
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Principle involved in the test for phosphate of DNA?

The principle involved in the test for phosphate in DNA is based on the ability of phosphate ions to form a soluble complex with molybdate ions under acidic conditions. This forms a phosphomolybdate complex that can be detected using spectrophotometry, producing a blue color indicative of the presence of phosphate. This test is commonly known as the molybdenum blue assay.

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Positive result for test for phosphate?

A positive result for a test for phosphate indicates the presence of phosphate ions in the sample being tested. Phosphate is essential for various biological processes and can be found in fertilizers, detergents, and food. Monitoring phosphate levels is important in environmental assessments and water quality testing.

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What is the principle of giemsa stain?

giemsa stains the phosphate group especially in the adenine-thymine rich region.

Phosphate inorganic blood test is positive. I am 65 years old. What does this inorganic blood test have to do with pregnancy?

It is nothing to do with pregnancy. The result is "positive" for phosphate, meaning, presumably, that higher levels of phosphate then normal are being found in the blood. Phosphate is a normal substance in foods which is needed in the body mainly as a constituent of bone. Excess phosphate is normally filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and ends up in the urine. A positive serum phosphate test, which I assume means higher than the normal level, is usually indicative of the kidneys not functioning as efficiently as they used to.

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the principle of this test are used the method of a qualitative test for the detection of nematode and cestode eggs and coccidia oocysts in the faeces.