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Uncontrolled nuclear fusion reactions.

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Q: What is the principle of the hydrogen bomb?
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What is the principle used in the hydrogen bomb?

Nuclear fusion.

Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of?

nuclear fusion

How do you find elements of nuclear fusion?

In nuclear Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of fusion. In fusion two hydrogen fuses to form one helium.

Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb, is a nuclear bomb

What is degree of destroy that hydrogen bomb can do?

What size of Hydrogen Bomb? How many megatons? the biggest size of hydrogen bomb can done ...........

What is the different between atomic bomb and hydrogen bombs?

A hydrogen bomb is an atom bomb; just one that uses hydrogen.

What bomb was made after the A-bomb?

The Hydrogen bomb.

What bomb was invented after the a-bomb?

The Hydrogen Bomb .

What is an h-bomb?

hydrogen bomb

Who was using the hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb has never been used in war

What was hydrogen bomb?

A bomb that splits a hydrogen atom, which literally explodes the air.

What is the most giant hydrogen bomb?

The 50 Megaton "Tsar Bomba" hydrogen bomb tested by the USSR in 1961 is the strongest hydrogen bomb ever detonated. The 10 Megaton "Ivy Mike" hydrogen bomb tested by the U.S. in 1952 is the physically largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated.