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Q: What is the problem called when the protagonist?
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Related questions

What is a protagonist's adversary called?

The adversary of a protagonist is called an antagonist.

What is it called when the person is on the protagonist side?

protagonist sidekick

The central character in a story is called the?


What is the Main character in literary works called?

the main character in literary works is called a protagonist the main character in literary works is called a protagonist

What is a sentene using the word protagonist?

The protagonist is often called the hero. Harry Potter is the protagonist of The Philosopher's Stone.

Who was the protagonist?

In western film and literature, the protagonist is the the main character who is trying to reach a goal. The protagonist is often called the "hero".

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What is the small problem in a story called?

A small problem in a story is often referred to as an "inciting incident." This event sets the story in motion and creates a conflict that the protagonist must address, ultimately leading to the development of the plot.

What does a novel's climax do?

Provides an exciting moment when the protagonist faces his or her problem

What is a good guy in a story called?

The Good Guy is the protagonist The Bad Guy is the Antagonist

A play that focuses on the suffering of the major character is called?

If the main character of a play is a hero, they are called a protagonist. If they are a villain, they are the antagonist.(The awnser is protagonist)

The word protagonist literally means first combatant in Greek This character's adversary is called the?

The antagonist is the protagonist's adversary.For APEX Protagonist is the answer!