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Bella loves Edward and Edward wants to protect Bella so he leaves then Jacob black who's a werewolf looks after her so from then on she loves both of them and she wants to be a vampire and lots of other bad vampires are after her for revenge and they want to rip her head off so they can kill the Cullen vampires !!!!!!

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14y ago
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4mo ago

The central conflict in "Twilight" is Bella Swan's struggle to balance her love for the vampire Edward Cullen while also navigating the dangers that come with his supernatural world. James, a tracker vampire, poses a threat to Bella when he becomes fixated on hunting her down, prompting Edward and his family to protect her. Bella must come to terms with the risks involved in loving a vampire while also grappling with her own desires and identity.

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13y ago

The conflict in 'Twilight' is that James the tracker decides to hunt Bella. It is solved by killing James, rip him apart and burn him to pieces. The wider conflict is the fact that Bella knows the Cullen's' secret and must either be turned into a vampire herself (something Edward does not want to inflict on her).

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11y ago

Well in Twilight Bella Swan(a human) falls in love with Edward Cullen(a vampire) she finds out he's a vampire. Then when Edward takes Bella to meet his family(who are a special kind of vampire that only drink animal blood) while their playing Baseball another coven of vampires(that drink human blood) came James(a tracker) who wanted to kill Bella. He almost does then Edward saves her.

In New Moon, Edward leaves Bella then she starts building motorcycles wit her best friend Jacob Black. Just to hear Edward's voice in her head she goes cliff diving. Edward's sister Alice who can predict the future sees her jump off the cliff but does not see Bella get saved. Edward thinks Bella is dead so he goes to Italy to provoke the Voltrui(the vampire royal family) so they would kill him. Alice and Bella race to Italy to save Edward. They get there just in time. But still have to go see the Voltrui for almost breaking the rules. But they get out alive on one condition. Bella has to be turned into a vampire. But Bella wants Edward to schange her. But Edward wants Bella to marry him first. Bella's best friend Jacob turns into a werewolve.

In Eclipse James's mate Victoria is back for revenge and wants to kill Bella. Edward wants Bella to stay away from Jacob incase he might be dangerous. Victoria forms a army of new born vampires. Edward and Bella comes to an agreement. Edward will change Bella and Bella will marry Edward but Bella wants to have a real honeymoon. Victoria and her army fight the Cullens and the werewovles ( the werewolves and the Cullens side together )

In Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward get married, have a real honeymoon, and Bella gets pregnant. The baby is half vampire and its killing her. So she gives birth to the baby but she does not get out of it alive so she turns into a vampire. Jacob imprints on Bella's baby which makes her very angry. The Voltrui hears about Bella's baby and thibks its evil and must be destroyed. The Cullens make a samll army of their own but when the Voltrui come the Cullens are still outnumbered. They get out alive of course.

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12y ago

Bellas blood calls to edward more than any other blood could possibly compare to. He keeps away to keep from killing her but eventually gives in begins to hang with her. as their relationship progresses Bella learns that Edward is a vampire. When Edward tkes her to a vampire baseball game with his family James and his coven here them playing and smells Bella's blood. when Edward moves to protect her the hunt begins. Then at the end after James is destroted by Edward Bella begs edward to turn her into a vampire which he refuses to do

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15y ago

The internal conflict is that Edward cant have Bella the way he wants to because he lusts after her blood and he might kill her. While, Bella is secretly in love with him.

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13y ago

Because Edward glitches when in sunlight.

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Q: What is the problem or conflict in twilight including about James trying to track Bella and about edward being a vampire?
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What is the conflict or problem in twilight?

1) A human and a vampire fall in love and know it will be hard to make it work. 2) A sadistic vampire catches Bella's scent and attempts to hunt her.

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Bella falls in love witgh vampire

What is the conflict in twilight by Stephenie Meyer?

The conflict is that Edward is a vampire and Bella is not but they both fall in love with eachother

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1. Bella becomes a vampire

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i think the main problem in twilight is edward and Bella's love because he is a vampire and she is not this is only the main problem in the first 3 books because that changes in book4 [she becomes a vampire,edward changes her how romantic] [P.S. im so sorry if you did not know that and i ruined the surprise]

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The problem in Twilight is that Bella Swan is in love with Edward Cullen a vampire. Edward can hurt her phsically without meaning it. Yikes! that would suck. hOPE i HELPED :)

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