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I think it's about two table spoons of salt.

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Q: What is the problem statement for how much salt does it take to float an egg?
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What is the problem statement of can an egg float better in salt or reagular water?

seriously i do not know! figgure it out on your own... (:

Will salt in water make a coke can float?

it depends on how much salt is in the water. if there is enough, the soda can will float.

Why does salt float in water?

Yes . Egg float in salt water because salt water is much densier than pure water

Does salt float in water?

Yes . Egg float in salt water because salt water is much densier than pure water

Will an egg float in 1 teaspoon of salt water or 8 teaspoon of salt water?

How much salt water is present is not important, the problem is what is the concentration of salt in the water. The saltier it is, the denser the salt water becomes. If the salt water is denser in comparison to the density of the egg (which will more or less vary with each egg), then the egg will float; if not, then the egg will sink.

How much salt does it take to float an egg Applications?

5 cups of salt

How much salt does it take to make a brick float on water?

for a brick to float on water 2 thirds of the mixture should be salt

How much salt can float a egg?

two cups

How much salt does it take to make an appl e float?

An apple can actually float in water that is not treated with salt. Adding salt will encourage the apple to float to the top. When you add salt to water, it allows the water to become more dense.

How much salt does it takes you to float a egg?

About 6 tablespoons

Why does salt float?

Salt is soluble in water, doesn't float.

Content statement for Does salt affect the freezing point of water?

Yes - consider how icebergs are able to float in sea water.