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Q: What is the procedure done in the hospital when a Dr flushes out your kidney stones?
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What is Kidney Nephralithotems?

Do you mean nephrolithotomy? Well nephrolithotomy is a surgical procedure that removes kidney stones.

What are two ways can eliminate kidney stones?

hospital that's the only way

What is an nephrothotomy?

An incision into the the renal pelvis and kidney in order to remove stones. Nephr/o/pyel/o/lith/o/tomy nephr/o- kidney pyel/o-renal pelvis lith/o- stones -tomy- surgical incision

Do people pee out kidney stones?

Yes, you can pass it naturally or you can go to the hospital where they probe into your kidney or gallbladder and break the stones into smaller fragments so you can pass them easier. Either way, the stones are coming out the same place.

For what medical condition is percutaneous nephrolithotomy used?

This minimally invasive procedure is used to remove kidney stones

What does pyelolithectomy mean?

Pyelolithotomy (not pyelolithectomy) means a type of surgical procedure. During this procedure, a small incision is made into the back of the person and the kidney is accessed. Then, any kidney stones are broken up or removed.

Does soda pop contribute to kidney stones?

nah that happens when u have to much milk or sex I just got out of the hospital after almost dying from kidney stones that caused a kidney infection so bad it spread to my blood. The doctor told me dark sodas have somehting in it that can lead to stones.

Do people with kidney stones rip things up?

Yes, people with kidney stones often have the urge to rip things up. Their victims can be objects, plants, animals and even people. So if you find yourself with kidney stones please visit a surgeon or metal hospital for help, unless you like murder that is.

What is the treatment for kidney stones?

The most common treatment for kidney stones is Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. The doctor sends shock waves through the body to break up the kidney stones. These smaller pieces are easy to pass through the urinary tract. This procedure is non surgical so you would not have a long recovery period.

What tests are performed in kidney hospital in Delhi to detect kidney stones?

They perform the standard X-rays/ ultrasounds and urine tests/ blood tests to diagnose kidney stones. Other more accommodating facilities will also use CT and MRI to scan effected areas

Can heroine cause kidney stones?

Can Heroin cause Kidney Stones

What makes kidney stones?

What makes kidney stones? why are they soo panfulkll?