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Q: What is the procedure for admission into MSc in delhi university for natives of other states?
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Which states admission into the US led to war?

Which state's admission into the United States led to war?

Controlled the admission of Mississippi to the United States?

Mississippi Territorial is the admission of Mississippi. This is in the United States.

Why did the Supreme Court ruled against Barbara in her attempt to gain admission into the University of Michigan Law School?

it determined that states can use race to diversify their schools

Why did the Supreme Court ruled against Barbara grutter in her attempt to gain admission into the University of Michigan Law School?

it determined that states can use race to diversify their schools

How did the admission of these 4 states affect the voting?

WHICH 4 states, -are we mind-readers.

Ordinance for the admission of new states?

Northwest Ordinance

What governmental body grants new states admission to the union?

The United States Congress is the governmental body that grants new states admission to the Union. Hawaii is the last state to have been admitted to the Union.

Who worked out to reduce tensions between the north and south over the admission of new states?

Who worked out to reduce tensions between the north and south over the admission of new states?

What were the indentured servants working for?

They were working for free admission to the States.

Where are most adenoidectomies performed?

almost all adenoidectomies are performed on an outpatient basis unless other medical problems require hospital admission or an overnight stay. T and A is considered the most common major surgical procedure in the United States

Why was the 1956 American flag changed?

The flag of the United States was NOT changed in 1956! The latest changes to the U.S. flag were in 1959 with the admission of the state of Alaska in January 1959, and then again in 1960, with the admission of the state of Hawaii in August 1959. New U.S. flags reflecting the admission of states are made official on July 4th following the admission of the state.

How did the question of the admission of new states to the union fuel the debate over slavery and states rights?
