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Q: What is the process called that separates particles from the blood?
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What is the process of reducing blood loss is called?

The process of reducing blood is called cloting of blood or coagulation of blood

What does the process of blood flow with your body called?

blood flow is called circulation

What process separates the gases you breathe?

When we breathe, the mixture or solution of gases we inspire and expire is altered in the lungs. Oxygen is absorbed by the blood from the air when we inhale, and carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the air in the lungs to be exhaled. The "separation" of gases across the blood-air barrier in the lungs is called gas exchange.

What are cells and other undissolved particles in blood called?

? Cholesterol

What is the process that which food particles is easily absorbed by the blood?

because its moike, and helps the absorption

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What is an epidural hematoma?

blood accumulation that separates the dura from the inner side of the skull is known as an epidural hematoma (blood swelling). The same process occurrence between the dura and arachnoid layers is a subdural hematoma

What separates the right side of the heart?

The SEPTUM separates the right side of the heart from the left side. This is to prevent the mixing of oxygenated blood with deoxygenated blood.

What separates oxygen blood and carbon dioxide blood?

white blood cells carrry oxygen to the blood

What is the process of removing blood from the veins for examination called?

This is called a veinipuncture. It can also be called a blood draw which is a more common name.

When white blood cells leave the capillaries what is this process called?

they squeeze through capillary walls in a process called diapedesis

The process by which blood loss is prevented or minimized is called?
