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Q: What is the process in certain multicellular organism by which special cells can grow new tissues out of different types?
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What process allows a single celled zygote to develop into a multicellular organism?

The zygote becomes a multicellular organism by means of cell division and differentiation.

The process in which the structure and function of the parts of an organism change to enable specialization of those parts?

The process you are referring to is called differentiation. This process involves cells becoming specialized for specific functions within an organism, which allows for different parts to perform specific tasks necessary for the organism's survival and reproduction. Differentiation is essential for the development and maintenance of complex multicellular organisms.

What process do cells undergo when organisms grow?

They should be remain diploid.So they undergo mitosis.

What system of specialization in a multicellular organism such as human with a bacteria cell?

In a multicellular organism like a human, cells specialize to perform specific functions through a process called cell differentiation. For example, bacteria cells do not have specialized functions like human cells do, as they are all capable of performing the same basic functions required for their survival and reproduction. The specialization of cells in multicellular organisms allows for the division of labor and the efficient functioning of the organism as a whole.

Give an example of changes that occur during the life cycle of a multicellular organism?

Multicellular organisms, however, typically go through a process called development. During development, a single fertilized egg cell divides again and again to produce the many cells of mature organisms. As those cells divide, they change in shape and structure to form cells such as liver cells, brain cells, and muscle cells. This process is called differentiation, because it forms cells that look different from one another and perform different functions.

Related questions

Which process in a multicellular organism is similar to the process of asexual reproduction in bacteria?

The process of mitosis.

What process allows a single celled zygote to develop into a multicellular organism?

The zygote becomes a multicellular organism by means of cell division and differentiation.

Are all cell the same in a multicellular organism?

Almost all cells in a multicellular organism are genetically the same - i.e. they have identical DNA. However, through a process called "differentiation", cells diverge in size, shape, and function by having different sets of genes turned off or on.

What life process can these cells carry out that a cell from another kind of multicellular organism cannot?


What process do cells undergo when organisms grow?

They should be remain diploid.So they undergo mitosis.

Why is cellular differentiation a nessasary process in a developing multicellular organism?

because the in cellular differentiation, the cells can be water they need to be, the all don't have to be the same thing. So in a multicellular organism, there needs to be cells that can do multiple things so that the organism can work well. well that is what i think (I am only in 7th grade!!!) hope it helps :)

Which process has a role in the growth and repair of tissue in multicellular organisms?

Cell division is the process that plays a key role in the growth and repair of tissue in multicellular organisms. When cells divide, they can increase in number to promote tissue growth or help replace damaged or dead cells during tissue repair.

Why are multicellular organisms more efficent than unicellular organisms?

Multicellular organisms work like an assembly line, and if one part of a multicellular organism dies, it can be replaced, but if a part of a unicellular organism dies, the entire organism dies. The assembly line process is called specialization.

When certain genes make organism more likely to survive and reproduce which process can occur?


What are the five stages of the perception process?

Perception is a process by which an organism recieve certain information about environment. Perception is always based on sensation.

What is an example of development through growth and differentiation?

An example of development through growth and differentiation is the transformation of a single fertilized egg into a complex multicellular organism with specialized tissues and organs. As the organism grows, cells differentiate into different cell types with unique functions, contributing to the overall development and organization of the organism. This process involves cell division, differentiation, and specialization to form a functional organism.

Which term describes a process that takes place only in multicellular organisms and where cells have different and specialized functions?

cell specialization