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You question makes no sense. If particles dissolve they go into solution, they do not "break apart and scatter".

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Lyric Wintheiser

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1y ago
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1w ago

The process in which a substance breaks up into smaller particles as it dissolves is called dissolution. It involves the solute particles separating and dispersing in the solvent due to the attractive forces between the solute and solvent molecules. This process results in the formation of a homogenous mixture known as a solution.

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12y ago

The substance is broken to molecules or association of molecules.

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8y ago

It is called the solute. The substance doing the dissolving (often water) is the solvent.

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8y ago

This process is called dissolution.

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12y ago


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Q: What is the process in which a substance breaks up into smaller particles as it dissolves?
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What is the difference between dissolution and disintegration in capsule and tablet?

Dissolution is the process by which a drug substance dissolves in a liquid medium, such as gastric fluid, to become available for absorption. Disintegration, on the other hand, refers to the breaking apart of the tablet or capsule into smaller particles. Disintegration occurs first to increase the surface area for dissolution to happen efficiently.

What are three factors that affect the rate at which a substance dissolves?

Three factors that affect the rate at which a substance dissolves are temperature, surface area of the substance, and the stirring or agitation of the solution. Increasing the temperature generally increases the rate of dissolving, while breaking the substance into smaller pieces or increasing its surface area also speeds up the process. Stirring or agitation helps to bring fresh solvent into contact with the solute, enhancing the dissolving rate.

Separation of substance based upon particle size?

The process you are describing is called filtration. This involves passing a mixture through a filter with pores that are smaller than the particles in the mixture. The particles that are larger than the pore size are left behind as residue, while the smaller particles or liquid pass through as filtrate.

What kind of weathering takes place when a sugar cube dissolves in water?

When a sugar cube dissolves in water, it undergoes physical weathering by breaking down into smaller sugar particles through the process of dissolution. Chemical weathering is also involved as the water molecules interact with and separate the sugar molecules, causing them to disintegrate.

What are the difference between solvent and solute?

A solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute in a solution, forming the larger portion of the solution. The solute is the substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution, making up the smaller portion of the solution. In summary, the solvent dissolves the solute to create a solution.

Related questions

Does the size of the particles of solute affect the solubility of the substance?

Yes, the size of the particles of solute can affect the solubility of the substance. Smaller particles typically have a larger surface area, allowing for more interactions with the solvent molecules, which can increase solubility. In contrast, larger particles may have limited surface area available for interactions, leading to lower solubility.

What is the simplest organized substance but is too composed to smaller particles?


Substance that is dissolved in a solution?

The substance that is dissolved in a solution is called a solute. It is typically present in smaller quantities compared to the solvent, which is the substance that dissolves the solute in the solution.

What is the simplest organized substance known although it too is composed of smaller particles?


What is the substance that makes up the smaller part of a solution called?

The solute is the name of the substance that dissolves in a solvent e.g. in salt water, salt is the solute, water is the solvent.

How the size of particles affect the way the particles dissolve?

The smaller the particle the faster it dissolves. This is because the process by which a solute dissolves takes place at the surface of the solvent. That means the larger the surface area of a particle or solute, the faster the solute will dissolve.

What happens at particle level when something dissolves?

The solvents particles (for example salt) break up into smaller pieces and they mix with the solute particles (for example water).

What process tears grinds and mashes large food particles into smaller ones?

Mechanical digestion tears, grinds, and mashes large food particles into smaller ones.

How does upthrust vary liquid of different densities?

if a substance has more particles in a smaller space (higher density), then the substance can be less easily displaced and has a higher upthrust

How do you make substance dissolve quickly?

If you want to make materials dissolve faster, and your adding stuff to a drink, like lemonade, maybe you would cut up the little sugar cubes even smaller, so that the liquid has less to dissolve; and if you stir the drink after adding all the ingredients together, the particles will collide with each other and make the dissolving even faster. !

How does filtration separate a substance that dissolves from one that does not dissolve?

Filtration separates a substance that dissolves from one that does not dissolve by passing a mixture through a filter. The dissolved substance passes through the filter, while the undissolved substance is trapped. This occurs because the filter has small pores that only allow the dissolved substance to pass through.

Substance present in larger amount in a mixture?

The substance present in larger amount in a mixture is known as the solvent, while the substance present in a smaller amount is called the solute. The solvent is the component that dissolves the solute to form a homogenous solution.