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Q: What is the process in which an oceanic plate sinks and pulls the rest of the tectonic plate with it?
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How much affect does the moon have on plate tectonics?

My opinion is very little. The Moon's gravity pulls uniformly on both sides of a tectonic plate.

How are ridge pull and slab pull related?

they are related because they all have to do with the oceanic lithosphere.The convection causes the lithosphere to move sideways and away from the midocean ridges.The ridge push makes the oceanic lithosphere slide downhill under the force of gravity. The slab pull:the old lithosphere is denser than asthenosphere so, the edge of the tectonic plates that contains oceanic lithosphere sinks and plls the rest of the tectonic plate.

Why do tectonic plate's move?

Tectonic plates are composed of the crust and upper mantle rock which is lighter than the more dense mantle. Rising and falling convection currents in the mantle cause imperceptibly slow movements in the plates (on the rate of fingernail growth). The source of the heat driving the convection currents comes from residual heat from the Earth's formative processes, pressure from gravity, and from radioactive decay of elements.there is also something called the slab-pull force. This occurs when a more dense oceanic plate subducts under a less dense plate and pulls the rest of the plate along. The subducting plate drives the downward-moving portion of convection currents.

When do volcanic eruptions occur?

volcanic eruptions occur when the tectonic plates are convergent which is when one plate goes under another plate and the magma gets hot orwhen the plates are divergent that's when the plate pulls apart and magma fills the hole.

How is the alignment of chromosomes on the equatorial plate of the cell maintained?

tension between opposite spindle fibers pulls them there!

Related questions

What is slabpull?

Slab Pull Force occurs when a denser oceanic plate is forced beneath a less dense continental plate or oceanic plate in a process called subduction. It's the force caused by suction of the cold dense lithosphere into the asthenosphere at destructive margins. Basically, because lithosphere is denser than asthenosphere, there is gravitational imbalance which is passed on to the crust. this causes the lithosphere to be sucked inwards at the oceanic trenches into deep asthenosphere.

Where does Gravity pulls tectonic playes?

The Himalayan range is example of a divergent plate boundary

How much affect does the moon have on plate tectonics?

My opinion is very little. The Moon's gravity pulls uniformly on both sides of a tectonic plate.

How are ridge pull and slab pull related?

they are related because they all have to do with the oceanic lithosphere.The convection causes the lithosphere to move sideways and away from the midocean ridges.The ridge push makes the oceanic lithosphere slide downhill under the force of gravity. The slab pull:the old lithosphere is denser than asthenosphere so, the edge of the tectonic plates that contains oceanic lithosphere sinks and plls the rest of the tectonic plate.

What three mechanisms may drive tectonic plates to move?

Convection, the heating and cooling of the astenosphere, a ridge push, at mid ocean ridges oceanic lithosphere slides down due to gravity, slab pull, oceanic lithosphere sinks in the astenosphere and pulls the rest of the tectonic plate with it.

How does subduction occur?

A plate will subduct for tens to hundreds of millions of years.

What happens at a normal fault?

A fault that forms at a divergent boundary

Why do tectonic plate's move?

Tectonic plates are composed of the crust and upper mantle rock which is lighter than the more dense mantle. Rising and falling convection currents in the mantle cause imperceptibly slow movements in the plates (on the rate of fingernail growth). The source of the heat driving the convection currents comes from residual heat from the Earth's formative processes, pressure from gravity, and from radioactive decay of elements.there is also something called the slab-pull force. This occurs when a more dense oceanic plate subducts under a less dense plate and pulls the rest of the plate along. The subducting plate drives the downward-moving portion of convection currents.

What kind of action pulls tectonic plates apart?

current lagao

What force pulls tectonic plates toward each other?


What is the process that pulls apart continents?

Plate tectonics. Sub layers called tectonic plates lie underneath continents move, shift, and grind against or away from each other. The actual process of pulling apart is called diverging. The super-continent Pangaea is an example of a continent that was pulled apart. First it was pulled apart into two continents that are called Laurasia and Gondwana and then was pulled farther apart into the world that we see today.

Is the African plate convergent or divergent?

Is the Arabian Plate convergent or divergent? Yes to both. The western margin of the Arabian Peninsula (the Red Sea) and southern margin (the Gulf of Aden) are extensions of the African Great Rift Valley. The point where Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Somalia are close together is the central joint of a Y-shaped divergent boundary whose upper arms are defined by the two bodies of water. As the Arabian Plate pulls away from the African Plate, it creates a convergent boundary as it plows into the Eurasian Plate along its northern margin. Much of the tectonic activity and mountain-building (orogengy) in Iran and Turkey is the result of this convergent boundary. Complicated segments with lateral motion are also present along the boundary of the Arabian Plate with its neighbors.