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Multicellular eukaryotes

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Q: What is the process of cells producing tissue and tissue producing organs and organs producing an organ system called?
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What are the gamete-producing organs of the male reproductive system?

In gamete production meiosis is processed.

What are the organs of your urinary system called excretory organs?

what organs of your urinary system called excretory organs

What does the organs in the immune system do?

they produce white blood cells (leucocytes) which help protect the body against harmful viruses by producing antibodies, and by a process called "phagocytosis" in which the white blood cell completely engulfs the bacteria, making it harmless.

Are all organisms disease producing?

no. an organism is any system of organs working together.

Why are the organs of urinary system called excretory organs?

Excretion means to get rid of . The organs of the urinary system remove and rid the body of waste products so this is why they are called exretory organs.

What are digestive organs working together called?

Digestive organs working together is called the digestive system.

Why is respiratory system called a 'system'?

It is a group of organs.

What are a goup of organs called?

A system

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Is the organs of your urinary system circulatory or excretory organs?

that is because Excretion is the process of eliminating waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials

What is groups of organs working together called?

A group of organs that work together is known as an Organ System.

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