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Q: What is the process of pollen grains from the male flowers to the female flower?
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What part of a flower show the male and female parts?

The female part of (angiosperm) flowers inlcudes: the stigma, style, ovary and ovules. The male part of the flower inlcludes: the filaments, anther and pollen grains.

Why plants have flower?

Flowers are the (sexual) reproductive organs of the plant, housing the male and female reproductive organs of the plant. Sometimes both male and female parts are house in the same flower, in other instances there are seperate male and female flowers on the same plant, and in other instances seprate male and female plants. The purpose of the flower is to attract polinators (insects, bats, animals etc.) to effect pollination - that is the movement of male pollen grains to the female sigma. Here the pollen grains germinate and eventually fuse with a female ovule which then develops into an embryo. The embryo then develops into a seed (above process is simplified!). See some of the other "Related Questions" for more information

What do flowers produce?

A flower produce pollen sacs which has pollen grains in it

What happens during pollination for flowers?

A bee is attracted to a flower from color, sweet nectar, etc... As the bee sucks up the nectar, pollen from the anther(s) gets stuck on the bee's body fur. When the bee moves on to the next flower, some pollen that was stuck to the bee from previous flowers falls off onto the stigma of the new flower.

If a pollen grains in a flower flies to the other kind or the same kind?

The pollen grains from the stamen (male part) of the flower are transferred to the carpel (female part) of another flower to pollinate (fertilize) that flower.

Symbiosis of a crab spider of a flower?

The crab spider relies on flowers for camouflage and ambushing prey, while the flower benefits from the spider's presence as it helps protect the plant from herbivores. This mutualistic relationship is an example of symbiosis, where both species benefit from their interactions.

The portion of the flower containing pollen grains?

The portion of the flower containing pollen grains is the anther. The anther is located at the top of the flower's stamen and is responsible for producing and releasing pollen for the process of pollination.

what do you call the female structure in a flowering plant traps pollen grains?

The female structure in a flower is the pistil.

How do buterfly pollinate flowers?

While taking nectar juice from the flowers, the pollen grains stick to the body of the butterfly and when the butterfly visits another flower, the pollen grains drop off and pollinate.

What is meant by the term pollination?

Pollination is the process in which pollen is transferred from the male part of a plant to the female part of a plant. This is how flowers reproduce.

How are hummingbirds important to flowers?

Hummingbirds fly from flower to flower, sticking their beaks into the center to take sips of nectar. While sipping nectar, hummingbirds are inadvertently transporting pollen grains from previously sipped flowers. The process results in the cross pollination of different flowers, through the help of the hummingbird. Basically: Hummingbirds help flowers pollinate each other, which allows flowers to reproduce.

Which part of the plant contains the pollen grains?

Flower> Stamen> Anther> Pollen grains.