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Q: What is the process that the stomach muscles contract to propel food?
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Smooth muscle propels food through the alimentary canal by a process called?

The process in which muscles propel food through the alimentary canal is called peristalsis.

Is burping the same as throwing up air?

Yes and no. They are the same in that both involve a material travelling from the stomach back up the esophagus and out the mouth. Where they differ is that burping is just a passive relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter to allow trapped gas to escape on its own. Vomiting is an active reflex where muscles are commanded to contract and propel the liquid out.

Which process involves the contractions of smooth muscle that propel urine through the ureter?

Med Term book says peristalsis, but I thought peristalsis was from oral cavity to stomach only?!

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With the upgrade, The Propel costs 50 to 70 dollars. But, without the contract upgrade, this phone costs 300 dollars.

What substances do muscles push throughout the body?

Muscles do not actually push anything throughout the body. However, smooth muscles help propel food and waste through the gastrointestinal tract, which is known as peristaltic action. It is more like a rhythmic wave than a 'push'. The other occurs in the skeletal muscles; as they contract and relax, they help blood flow through the veins which have one-way valves.

What process does the muscles push down the food through the digestive tract?

Sounds like you're talking about Peristalsis (if you're looking for the actual name). Basically, as I understand it, the intestines have muscles that do two different things. One set is circular and contracts to basically squeeze the tube. The longitudinal muscles contract along the length of the intestine and help to propel the food onward. Everything happens in a wave-like motion with the circular muscles contracting to squeeze the food forward more and more and to prevent the food from being able to more backward, while the longitudinal muscles move the whole thing onward.

What is esophogeal spasm?

The esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat down to the stomach, is composed of muscles. These muscle usually contract in a controlled sequence to propel the food down and keep it down much like the motion of milking a cow or squeezing a tube of tooth paste. Sometimes these muscle can contract in an uncontrolled manner much like a cramp in your leg ("Charlie Horse"). When this happens it can create difficulty swallowing and chest pain that feels very similar to a heart attack.

What is the role of layers of smooth muscles in the alementary canal?

To propel food through the canal (peristalsis)

What are the structures of the muscular system?

It depends what you mean there is the skeletal system of muscles made up of voluntary muscles (Meaning you control them), Smooth muscle in parts of the body such as the stomach and intestines that move by peristalsis (rings of muscle that propel foods and wastes through the digestive system), and voluntary muscle categories like your heart that moves on its own. Also, stratified muscles run in vertical paths and have cross bands, usually found in the skeletal muscles

The muscular action that propels food through the esopahgus is called?

Peristalsis is a symmetrical contraction of muscles which propagates in a wave down the muscular tube, more specifically the esophagus. In humans, peristalsis is found in the contraction of smooth muscles to propel contents through the digestive tract.In much of the gastrointestinal tract, smooth muscles contract in sequence to produce a peristaltic wave which forces a ball of food (called a bolus while in the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract and chyme in the stomach) along the gastrointestinal tract. Peristaltic movement is initiated by circular smooth muscles contracting behind the chewed material to prevent it from moving back into the mouth, followed by a contraction of longitudinal smooth muscles which pushes the digested food forward.

What are synonyms for propel?

synonyms for propel is push, force, impel, launch, move, shoot, send, press,and start the meaning of propel is cause to move, forward or onward.

You shot semen but you don't know how?

When you ejaculate the muscles of the epididymis and vas deferens contract and propel the sperm into the ejaculatory duct. Here the sperm mixed with secretions of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland making up most of the seminal fluid) to form the semen. Powerful muscles surrounding the base of the urethra then cause the semen to squirt out of the penis at the time of orgasm.