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Q: What is the product better sound through research?
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Who use the slogan better sound through research?


Does sound travel better through air or water?

Water- It is denser, and sound travels better through a denser substance.

Does sound travels better through water than wood?

Sound travels better through wood than water

Did the sound travel better through the string or through the air Why?

Sound will travel better in string because speed of sound on solids is greater than that in air. As string is a solid so sound will travel faster (or better) in string than in air

Does sound travel better through air or through solid?


How do sound waves travel through water compared with wood?

Sounds travel better through denser objects and since water is denser than wood, sound travels through it better.

Does sound slow down in liquid?

On the contrary, sound travels better through liquid, even better through solids, we only think differently because we only hear normally through air.

Did sound travel better through metal railing or through air if a metal rod is hit against it?

Yes it would travel better through metal as the velocity of sound in metal is more than in air.

Does sound vibrates better through air or solids?


How can you get better sound from your TV?

Connect the TV to a stereo unit and listen to the sound through the stereo.

Why can you hear sound better in air than under water?

cause its easier for sound waves to travel through air than through liquid

Do sound waves travel better through a solid liquid or a gas?

Sound travels fastest through solids because the molecules are closer together than in liquids or gases. Sound travels fastest through steel.