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Productive span, on average, is around 10 to 15 years, depending on the breed and how and where they're raised.

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Q: What is the productive span for beef cows?
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Do beef cows have the same size udders as beef cows?

Beef cows = beef cows, so yes, obviously.

What do you get from beef cows?

Beef calves. Beef cows are mature female bovines that have had a calf, and are primarily used in cow-calf production to produce calves that are raised and slaughtered for beef. However, when the beef cow is no longer productive, she gets slaughtered and turned into hamburger and sausages.

Are cows ever eaten?

Hamburgers = beef beef = cows Steak is from cows. So yes, cows are eaten.

Why don't we drink milk from angus cows?

Angus cows are beef cows, not dairy cows. Holsteins are dairy cows, not beef cows, which is where we get the majority of our milk from.

Does Beef Have Catalase?

Beef comes from cows and cows have catalase in their liver, so yes

Where does beef grow?

Beef comes from cows.

Does Australia have beef cows or dairy cows?

Both (they drink milk there as well as eat beef) but there are more beef cattle.

What does beef come from?

Beef comes from cattle, be they steers, heifers, cows, or bulls.

The cow is a grown market cow?

No. Most cows are not grown for market. Only steers and heifers that should not be used for breeding due to genital defects or poor conformation are used for beef. Cows are only put on the market for beef when they are no longer productive to a producer's herd and thus add no value to the rest of the herd.

Differences in body features of beef cattle and dairy cattle?

Dairy cows have larger udders than beef cows, are typically a bit thinner, and tend to have a less blocky appearance than most beef cows. Dairy cows also have more feminine characteristics to them than beef cows do.

Where does Massachusetts get its beef from?


Where does beef orginate from?
