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The disease can be fatal to all immunocompromised patients, especially AIDS patients, and particularly if not treated. As a result, immunocompromised patients are typically placed on anti-toxoplasmosis drugs for the rest of their lives.

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Q: What is the prognosis for immunocompromised patients with toxoplasmosis?
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What is the prognosis for healthy people with toxoplasmosis?

The prognosis for acquired toxoplasmosis in adults with strong immune systems is excellent. The disease often disappears by itself after several weeks.

Who is most at risk for toxoplasmosis?

Anyone can be infected by T. gondii, but usually only those individuals with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised) develop symptoms of the disease. For them, toxoplasmosis can be severe, debilitating, and fatal.

What is the prognosis for TGA patients?

The prognosis for TGA patients is excellent

What is the prognoses for mothers and newborns with toxoplasmosis?

Maternal treatment with spiramycin for toxoplasmosis infection occurring within the first two weeks of pregnancy prevents transmission to the fetus. The prognosis for congenital toxoplasmosis depends on its severity.

How are AIDS patients with toxoplasmosis treated?

AIDS patients who have not been infected may be given a drug called TMP/SMX (Bactrim or Septra) to prevent toxoplasmosis infection.

What is the prognosis for the patient?

The prognosis for TGA patients is excellent

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