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Investigators of a fire need to take pictures of any destroyed structures, and note the directions of the flames. Also, they need to gather any remains, including any cans or containers.

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Q: What is the proper collection of evidence at the origin of a fire that is suspected of being initiated by gasoline?
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Gasoline is produced by refining which fossil fuel?

Petroleum Answer: Gasoline may be obtained by the fractionation and distillation of crude oil or from the condensate associated with natural gas production. Coal can be turned into gasoline by the collection of off gases in the coking process. In all of the above cases the final gasoline product is more than just the result od separation from the raw material. Gasoline is blended from a wide range of hydrocarbons which include cyclic compounds as well as straight chain molecules

Is gasoline a mixture or compound or element?

Is gasoline a element a mixture or a compound

Is automobile oil gasoline?

No, oil is oil and gasoline is gasoline, although gasoline is refined from crude oil.

What is the freezing point of gasoline?

Unleaded gasoline, and gasoline in general, does not have a specific freezing point. It is largely dependent on the location where the gasoline is sold, as methods of producing gasoline vary.

Why is gasoline not a mineral?

gasoline is a mineral

Is gasoline plasma?

No. Gasoline is a liquid.

Is the cost of gasoline extensive?

no the cost of gasoline is not a chemical propety of gasoline. That is constantly changing.

Is gasoline gas liquid or?

Gasoline is a liquid. It is a liquid because the gasoline u pour

What substances is petrol made of?

It's a collection (quite variable) of low weight hydrocarbons; most with carbon counts between 5 and 8.

Is gasoline miscible with water?

Water is not soluble in gasoline. Water is made up of very polar molecules while gasoline is made up of a collection of different nonpolar hydrocarbon molecules. They cannot interact through the same intermolecular forces and therefore they cannot dissolve each other. The above answer is correct, however even insoluble things will dissolve to a certain extent. Gasoline will dissolve about .1% water, or 1 ml per liter (about 3/4 of a teaspoon per gallon). Gasoline containing ethanol will dissolve about 1% water.

Is gasoline a solid?

Gasoline is not a solid it is a gas.

What resource is gasoline?

gasoline is a nonrenewable resource.