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The proper prefix would be "Ms."

"Miss" is for unmarried women. "Mrs." is used for married women. "Ms." is used when marital status is unknown or when the woman does not disclose it intentionally.

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Q: What is the proper prefix to use when a woman's marital status in unknown?
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What is the polite prefix to use when a woman's marital status in unknown?


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Nowadays, addressing a woman as "Ms" is considered acceptable.

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No, it is not. Miss refers to an unmarried woman, and missus is the long form of "mrs.", which refers to a married woman. Both derive from "mistress", but refer to a different marital status. Ms. (pronounced "miz") refers to any woman, and does not reflect her marital status. It is particularly appropriate when a woman's marital status is unknown or she is older and unmarried for any reason.

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The proper salutation for a female can vary depending on their marital status. Mrs. is used for women who are married. Miss is used for women who are single, while Ms. is used for women who are both married and single. This salutation is safer to use if one is unsure of the woman's marital status.

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