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Face up would be best, putting a band-aid over it before you get into bed will protect it.

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Q: What is the proper way to sleep after getting a navel piercing?
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How do you sleep after getting a navel piercing?

On your back or side.

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How long after getting a navel piercing do you have to wait before you can lie on your stomach?

It largely has to do with your bodies reaction to pain and how old you are. People with a higher pain threshold can normally sleep on their stomach 2-3 weeks after the piercing. People that have their belly buttons pierced when they are younger have a quicker healing time, so again between about 2-3 weeks. If it becomes infected, it could be between 4-6 weeks before you can comfortably sleep on your stomach.

Can they sleep your lip before getting a snakebite piercing?

yes, but it would cost quite a bit more money.

Can you sleep with your ear piercing?

of course.

Can you sleep with an eyebrow piercing in?


How long until you can sleep with your cartilage piercing out?

You can sleep with your cartilage piercing out after the ear is completely healed up. It takes about two months for the ear to completely heal.

How long after you can sleep on your cartilage piercing?

If the pain of sleeping on it is tolerable then it should be ok to sleep on it.

How long after getting an industrial piercing were you able to sleep on that side of your head with no pain?

I got my industrial about 1 year ago. The first 6 months trying to sleep on it were sore. Now 1 year later and yes, I can sleep on it but in the morning it is still sore.

What does getting enough sleep affect a person?

A lack of proper sleep is called Sleep Deprivation. In some people it has been known to reduce their grammatical abilities, especially with regards to question phrasing. An example would be, "What does getting enough sleep affect a person?", instead of the more grammatically correct "Why am I answering this question?"

How long should you wait after getting an ear piercing to sleep on your side?

I would wait a couple of weeks maybe 4 or less just to make sure that it is some what healed.

Can you sleep on a belly piercing?

Yes... But not recommended until after it's healed.