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this is briefly attributed to the metallic bond type between matter molecules

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Q: What is the property of metals that gives them their ability to be reshaped and reformed?
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The ability for metals to rust is a physical property of metals?

No, since rust is a chemical change (oxidation).

Is metal being cut into wire a physical or chemical property?

The ability to pull metals into wires is called ductility. Metals are ductile, non-metals are not. Ductility is a physical property.

Is aluminum is a malleability?

All metals that can be hammered and reshaped are considered malleable! (Pliable)

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The property that makes semi metals useful as "switches" is that their varying ability to conduct electricity.

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The ability to rust would be a chemical property.

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Conductivity is its ability to transfer heat or electrical current through it. Ductility is the ability to be stretched. help

Term that describes the describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?

That property of the substance is its "malleability".

Can metals be bent and hammered into shape?

yes metals can be shaped with a hammer because metals ate not brittle.

What are two metals that are drawn into wires?

yes this is because one specific property of most metals is ductility which is the property of being able to be drawn into wires. This property can be attributed to metals mobile electron structure.

What property makes semimetals useful as switches to turn a small elecric current on the off?

The property that makes semi-metals useful as "switches" is that their varying ability to conduct electricity.

What are the difference between ductility and plasticity?

Ductility and malleability are two properties of metals that describe specific tendencies in certain metals. Ductility describes the property of the ability to stretch a metal, without being damaged. Highly ductile materials are useful for stretching into wires. Malleability describes the property of a metals ability to be deformed under compression. Highly malleable materials can be readily rolled or hammered into sheets. While these properties are similar, different materials react differently in these circumstances. Gold or copper for example, are both highly ductile and malleable, whilst lead is only malleable.

What property gives metals the ability to be drawn into wires?

metal can be shaped because of the presence of a metallic bond, a special kind of chemical bond