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An antigen is a protein made in response to a specific antigen.

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Q: What is the protein made in a response to a specific antigen called?
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A foreign molecule that causes a specific immune response is?

Depending on the exact response, the substance is generally called a pathogen, yet more specifically depending on the nature of the response and origin of the substance, could be an antigen, allergen, carcinogen, etc.

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The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood screen for prostate cancer.

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Antigens are protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances. Antigens can also be administered artificially in some cases.

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The immune cell that allows for subsequent recognition of an antigen resulting in a secondary response is called a memory cell. Memory cells are small, long-lived lymphocytes.

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Having which protein in blood we called RH factor is positive?

Having the Rh antigen protein in blood makes you RH factor positive.

What is the definition of antibody?

An antibody is a y shaped molecule which is specific to a particular antigen, it is a globular protein which is made by white blood cells called lymphocytes. These defend the body against antigens (alien cells).