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Q: What is the protozoa that causes problem in drinking water in the us?
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Related questions

How does a dog get a protozoan infection?

Usually by drinking from a protozoa-infested outdoor water source.

How do you prevent protozoa from spreading?

By cleaning drinking water and washing hands with soap

Why is gasoline and arsenic a problem in drinking water?

The gasoline and arsenic are a problem in the drinking water because they bring problems to the nervous systems, as well as heart and blood vessels, and causes serious skin problems.

What pathogen causes diseases that are often spread through contaminated water?

One such bacterial disease passed by contaminated drinking water is cholera.The causative agent of cholera is the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

What are the ways protozoa can be spread?

Protozoa can be spread by many different ways some of them are by drinking dirty water and by air dried unclean surfaces and air

If pathogens are present in drinking water what will happen?

You may get an infectious disease known as parasitosis, caused by protozoa or helminths.

Does water move into or out of the protozoa?

The water will move into the protozoa.

What is the bad causes of drinking a lot of water?

Water Intoxication

What causes dueto Chromium as a contaminant in drinking water in excess of permissible levels?

what causes due to Chromium as a contaminant in drinking water in excess of permissible levels

What is the problem with drinking water running out?

You dehydrate.

Why is there a water shortage in Ghana?

Because they have a drinking problem...

What causes urine to be light yellow?

drinking enough water.