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it just separates the sub type and supertype entity

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Q: What is the prupose of the subtype discriminator?
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What kinds of data would you store in an entity subtype?

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What is the prupose of fermentation?

to enabe glycolysis to continue

Why did Hitler choose to be an unequal discriminator?

Please would you explain what you mean by 'unequal discriminator'? He wasn't under any obligation to discriminate equally ... so the question is puzzling.

What is the purpose of a discriminator in an FM broadcast receiver?

The discriminator, and the ratio detector, perform the same function in an f.m. receiver as the detector does in an a.m. receiver, i.e. it recovers the modulation.

What is rosaceas scientific name?

There are four subtypes of rosacea.Here are the scientific names for each:Rosacea subtype 1 - Erythematotelangiectatic rosaceaRosacea subtype 2 - Papulopustular rosaceaRosacea subtype 3 - Phymatous rosaceaRosacea subtype 4 - Ocular rosacea

What is the prupose of a prologue?

A prologue is an introduction to a book or play.

Is God a discriminator?

No one knows. It's all up to you

Who is involved in discrimination?

The discriminator (the one doing it), and the discriminatoree (the one receiving it).

What is cutting themselves?

when some one deliberately cuts them-self on prupose

What disease does the Campylobacter bacteria subtype known as C. jeuni cause?

C. jeuni is the subtype that most often causes gastrointestinal disease.

What is a phase discriminator?

A Phase discriminator allows the user to shift in time or 'phase' into another dimension. It shifts the user into another dimensional phase which can be a fraction of a second off from our own, which renders the user invisible to those in the normal unshifted time frame.

What are sedmentary rocks subtype?

metaphorfic subgroup