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A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute.

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6y ago

The average heart rate of a healthy and fit person is 70 beats per minute. The faster your heart rate above that, the less fit and healthy you are.

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Q: What is the normal heart rate of a person per minute?
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What is 220 for heart rate?

A heart rate of 220 would be seriously hazardous to a person's health ! The 'normal' rate for an adult human is around 70 beats per minute.

Is 90 heart beats a min dangerous?

The normal rate for a heart beat is 70-90 heart beats a minute. If you are a more active person, 100 is the normal heart rate. If your heart rate is below 70 or above 100, you should call a doctor.

Is a heart rat of 159 beats per minute dangerous if you are 57?

Absolutely ! The normal heart-rate for a person of that age - is about half that !

How long does one heartbeat last?

It depends on the heart rate. For example: The normal resting heart rate for a person is 70 beats per minute. (60 seconds per minute) / (70 beats per minute) = 0.857 seconds

What is the normal active heart rate?

A normal active heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute for adults. For children it is 70-100 beats per minute.

When resting my heart rate is 98 beats per minute 32 is that normal?

normal heart rate ranges from 60-100. but i wound't consider it normal to have a resting heart rate of 98.

What is the normal 23 year old heart rate during exercise?

A 13 year old maximum heart rate would be 207.

What is the normal heart rate of a pony?

The normal heart rate of a pony is about 30 to 50 beats per minute. The pony's heart rate is just a little faster than the heart rate of a horse.

Normal heart rate?

60-100 is the normal heart rate for an adult, but it varies per person. If your heart rate is normally around 90, a heart rate of 60 is going to be abnormally low. Also, many factors can cause a change in your heart rate, such as a change in body temperature, pain, exercise, nervousness, etc.

How many heart beats does a person average each day?

A normal resting heart rate would be 60 - 100 beats per minute.

Normal heart beat for ten yr old girl?

The maximum heart beat for a girl of 10 is 210, this is the rate during exercise, Thenormal heart rate would range between 70-110, with the average being 95 beats /minute.

Is 60 beats per minute a normal heart rate if you have hyperthyroidism?

A heart rate of 60 beats per minute is considered within the normal range for healthy adults. It depends on what your normal heart rate is and where you are in your treatment (that is, how hyperthyroid are you? What are your FT3 levels?) 60 beats per minute sounds like a good thing to me.