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(in the US) There is no nationwide law governing this, it is left to the individual states to legislate on the act. Since AIDS is considered a deadly disease, most (all?) states treat it as an offense - a dangerous assault - and charge the person with the infection as an assaulter.

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Q: What is the punishment for spreading aids?
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How has HIV and AIDS changed the world?

Aids is affecting our world by spreading it knowing you have it and not doing anything about it.

What is the Aids Logo stands for?

Aids Logo stands for people standing together to try and get the message out to be safe when you have relations with someone. And let's try to stop the spreading of aids.

Why it is important to talk about aids?

in order to stop it from spreading and teach other people about it.

Did the discovery of AIDS benefit mankind?

No, unless u think it is a punishment for homosexuality by god

What type of disease is AIDS considered?

The disease AIDS is currently considered a pandemic. It classifies as this due to it being a problem in a large area of the world and it's constant spreading.

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they were fcking each girl for spreading aids

Which of the following describes the role globalization has played in modern pandemics such as AIDS?

Answer this question… Improved transportation has led to infected people quickly spreading diseases around the world.

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In some cases, gossipers were publicly shamed or ostracized from their community. In extreme cases, they could face fines or legal consequences for spreading false information.

Why would someone not want to be educated about aids?

This is sad, but people are still ignorant about AIDS because of the stigma attached to it. It is important to know about AIDS, because having knowledge will only prevent this from spreading. AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) produced by HIV (virus) mainly transmitted during un-protected sex with affected partner, other routes of transmission - infected needles,razors,syringes, etc.

How can HIV and AIDS be stopped?

Basically, HIV/AIDS can only be stopped if:A vaccine or medical cure is developed to either prevent the transmission of HIV or to cure those who already have itPeople change their behaviors and stop spreading the disease--whether deliberately or unknowingly.

What is the polity in the African Methodist Episocal church?

Aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happened to tyler small young boy with AIDS that appeared on the Jerry Springer show?

He went on an aids spreading rampage at 16 and got shot by the police trying to spit at them when they were attempting to take him in. I did a lot of research to find this answer & must admit I laughed a little bit. ~ Rebekah Herzberg