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in order to stop it from spreading and teach other people about it.

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Q: Why it is important to talk about aids?
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Is a letter to someone to explain why its important to talk about aids and its protect against the disease?

Is A Letter To Someone To Explain Why Its Important To Talk About AIDS And Its Protect Against The Disease ?

How is wavelength important in defining the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum?

All waves of the electromagnetic spectrum have the same speeds but different frequencies and wavelengths. So, wavelength is important for defining the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum (frequency would have been equally useful)

Why are HIV AIDS so important?

Aids ruin your immune sytem and kill you, HIV is the beginning of aids, but doesnt mean you have AIDS

What if you have the aids but you want really really want to this girl badly?

Be honost with her and tell you have aids and you and her talk about it use protection deff.

Why is Mammoth Cave important?

Damoin has aids

What are the aids of verbal communication?

the aids of verbal communication are that you can talk to people about how much you love me, the greatest, joe mcdonagh. I will gain world domination...:) --- No.

Why are Band-Aids so important?

Band-aids are very important because they help prevent the wound from becoming infected. Band-aids cover the wound which is the most important thing. Not only do they cover the wound, but they also let out chemicals usually. Also band-aids are popular because they cover up the blood.

Important or big things about AIDS?

you will eventually die.

What important thing happened in 1980?

discovery of aids

How important are teaching aids to the teacher?

Teaching aids are important to the teachers because that would help them to explain more to the students. To let also the students understand more.

Which charities did Alicia Keys do?

she talk to people that lose there parents to aids in lots more!:)

Why is it important for the doctor to know the difference between Hiv and Aids?

The reason why the doctor needs to know the difference between AIDS and HIV is because HIV is the cause for AIDS.