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the purpose of cocaine is to stimulate or accelarate your brain activity.

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Q: What is the purpose for cocaine?
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What drug is never used for a medical purpose?


What common forms of usage does cocaine have?

Cocaine is a recreational drug; it is used for entertainment rather than for any medical purpose. And of course, it is dangerously addictive and illegal.

What form do users take crack in?

Crack is form of cocaine that is processed for the purpose of smoking it.

What was the original purpose for crack cocaine?

Sometime in the late 1970s, somebody figured out that if you boil cocaine with baking soda and other household chemicals, it produces a rock-like substance that burns at a lower temperature than regular cocaine. This substance is "crack." Since crack burns at a lower temperature than regular cocaine, it is easier to smoke. And, since crack is essentially nothing more than diluted cocaine, it can be sold at a cheaper price than regular cocaine. The cheap price is what caused the crack epidemic in the 1980s, as people who normally would not have been able to afford the steep price of a cocaine addiction could now get high every day for cheap. That is, essentially, the reason it was invented: cocaine is expensive. A cheaper form of cocaine garners more customers. For example, say a cocaine dealer has 50 regular customers who buy from him every day, and 200 other customers who only buy from him once a month, because they can't afford to buy cocaine every day. Now, say the dealer starts selling crack cocaine, as well as regular cocaine. Now he has 50 customers who buy cocaine from him every day, and 200 other customers who now buy crack from him every day (instead of buying regular cocaine from him once a month).

What is a zip of cocaine?


What shows as cocaine in urine test?

cocaine + anything else

What is a 20 of cocaine?

It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.

Is cocaine from a rock?

No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant.

What is a bird of cocaine?

36 ounces of cocaine or a Brick of drugs usually Cocaine

What will test positive for cocaine?


Does herbalife have cocaine in it?

No, it does not contain cocaine.

What is the legal name for cocaine?

It comes as pure white crystalline powder. Cocaine HCl (or Cocaine Hydrochloride) is your answer.