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In 8085 general purpose registers are used to hold data like any other registers.

In 8085 there are six types of special registers called general purpose registers.

The general purpose registers in 8085 are B, C, D, E, H and L.

Each register can hold 8 bit data. Apart from above functions these registers can also be used to work in pairs to hold 16 bit data.

They can work in pairs such as B-C, D-E, H-L to store 16 bit data.

The H-L pair work as a memory pointer.

A memory pointer holds the address of a particular memory location. They can store 16 bit address as they work in pairs.

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Q: What is the purpose of INSTRUCTION REGISTER in 8085 Microprocessor?
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It is register addressing mode, as it moves the content of HL to PC which is data and not address.

What are the general purpose register in 8085 microprocessor?

6 general purpose registers.i.e., B,C,D,E,H,L

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HL is a register pair used to store 16 bit of data in 8085 microprocessor.

What does it represent that 80 in 8085 microprocessor?

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What does mvI DO IN 8085 microprocessor?

the purpose of mvi is to 8 bit data immidiatly to the register or memory example mvi b,05h will move 05h to register b

What is the reason for naming microprocessor as 8085 and microcontroller as 8051?

b/c the 8085 microprocessor is the first 8 bit microprocessor which Intel is produces in 1877 and this is the first general purpose 8 bit microprocessor. there was an 8 bit general purpose register before 8085 named as 8008 but this microprocessor is not functional 8 bit microprocessor