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It would seem the book was originally a set of writings for guidance. An oracle of wisdom on how to live life, written by wise people for all to call upon when needed. Some would say the book is out of date today and needs to be rewritten, and over time it has been changed to fit into ruling powers, the Romans originally allowed this book which was banned as an attempt to stop the Roman empire from collapsing as the western empire was lawless and didn't pay their taxes, sadly for them this backfired as the people became loyal to the church and gave them their tax money and the Roman empire fell and The Bible stayed around unchanged. At what point the book became mystical and a place of hope through prayer and divinity is around the time the Romans re wrote it. But all the early writings like Leviticus shows it was a reference on how to live. Origanally revered as sacred as meaning highly valued.

Others would say,

This is a great question that could probably have many different answers contained within it. Primarily the Bible is God's revelation about Himself. In the course of God revealing Himself to man, He tells us who we are, why the world is here, and what our place is in it.

As part of God's self revelation He reveals much about the nature of man - that man has gone wrong and needs to come back to God and also how this may happen - through the once and for all work of Jesus Christ on the cross of calvary.

The purpose of the Bible is also to give a history of God's dealings with man and especially with His chosen people the Jews.

Just as the Bible covers the beginning in creation and the middle in history so it also covers the end of our present world and points to a time when all tears will be wiped away. Thus the purpose of the Bible among other things is to reveal where we are in history - all of course for those who actually wish to know.

to give us instructions of how to live life. the basic instructions

The purpose of the Bible is to inform of God's original purpose for the Earth and it's inhabitants. It is a brief outline of the Earth's creation, as well as a history book that tells of the first man and woman who used their free will to rebel against Him, their fall into Sin and Death and their children who spread throughout the Earth. At Genesis 3:15, we are given the first prophecy of the Messiah, who would undo all of the damage done by Adam and Eve. Within the first part of the Bible, we are told of Abraham, who was called God's friend. God promised Abraham that his descendant would be the Christ, or the Messiah, the one to redeem us from Sin and Death. The Bible tells about the lives of Abraham's sons and their descendants. God gave His followers the Law Code, though Moses, which gave them instructions on morality, hygiene, as well as His laws setting up a government centered on pure worship. The Bible also lists the Ancestry, from Abraham leading to the Messiah. Those determined to worship themselves or others in opposition to God's purpose, are defeated. The Gospels tell of the foretold Christ, his life, death and resurrection, and his preaching and teaching about God's Kingdom. Jesus Christ performed many miracles, showing the power that God would give him when he was the King of God's Kingdom, or Government, ruling from Heaven after all governments in opposition to God's government were done away with. The Bible is a book of poetry, prayers, and praise to God, as well as eventually fulfilling all of the prophecies foretelling the future Paradise that will cover the Earth and return it to the Paradise that Adam and Eve lost.


GO TO 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 it says

all scriptures is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving for setting things straight, for disciplining in ritiousness. that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

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The main purpose it to see/hear/read God's word and become more familiar with it - hopefully expanding one's understanding of it.

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