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The tummy tuck procedure is not used to replace the surgical procedure. In fact the tummy tuck is only used to prevent excess skin that comes from loosing a large amount of weight.

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Q: What is the purpose of a tummy tuck diet ?
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Where can I find a tummy tuck diet plan? has a very helpful video about the tummy tuck, and diet plans for it.

What store can you get tummy tuck at?

you get a tummy tuck at a hospital it is surgery.

If you cannot lose belly fat should you have a tummy tuck?

You can have a tummy tuck if you are unable to lose belly fat. However most doctors would advise a healthy diet and exercise before surgery.

If I have a tummy tuck, will I be required to eat a special diet?

I was able to find a good website,, where several doctors have responded to your question. As a nurse, in my experience immediately fallowing a tummy tuck as with any surgical procedure it's best to start with liquids the first day and progress to a bland diet the next day. This helps reduce nausea and vomiting after your procedure.

Fluid build up after tummy tuck what is cause?

how can i get rid of the fluid from my tummy tuck

How much is the cheapest tummy tuck in Ireland?

how much is the cheapest mini tummy tuck in ireland

What is the average cost of a tummy tuck and what is the recovery time.?

A tummy tuck can range from $8000 to $16,500.

In Chicago, can I get a cheap tummy tuck?

yes you can get cheap tummy tuck in chicago. you can check on this or

Is an abdominoplasty evasive?

It depends on the procedure, like Mini tummy tuck it is a form of the tummy tuck surgery. It is less complex and a less invasive surgery than the full tummy tuck procedure.

How much is a mini tummy tuck in Florida?

A mini tummy tuck averages $6,625, which is what you can expect to pay in Florida.

Will Medicaid pay for tummy tuck?

i was wondering will my medicaid will pay for a tummy tuck?

What is the purpose of the liposuction tummy tuck?

Because, after a woman haves a baby,if the baby has to be cut out of the tummy, the Doctor cuts that stomach muscle, your not able to get abs again. So that's why.