

Best Answer

Data type is mandatory in every variable-declaration.


int i; -- integer

int *pi; -- integer-pointer

int ai[10]; -- integer-array

int *api[10]; -- array of integer-pointers

int (*api)[10]; -- pointer to integer-array

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When a pointer variable stores a non-zero memory address, we can use the dereference operator to access the value stored at that address. This is what we mean by dereferencing and is also known as indirection because we can access a value indirectly through a pointer variable. Note that if the stored address is zero, we must not dereference the pointer as the zero address indicates that the pointer is not currently pointing at any object in particular. The zero address is a reserved address so no object can ever be allocated to it.

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Q: What is the purpose of the dereference operator when used with a pointer variable?
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How can I initialize a type that is a pointer to a struct in Go?

For the purpose of clarification, you cannot initialise types, you can only initialise variables (or constants) of a type. A variable (or constant) is known as an "instance" or "object" of the type. All instances of a type must be named. A pointer variable allows us to "refer" to a named object of the pointer's type. this is achieved by storing the memory address (the starting address) of that object. By changing the address stored in the pointer variable, the same pointer variable can be used to refer to different objects in memory. This is useful when passing objects to functions because if we pass objects directly (by name), the function receives a copy of the object. This is known as "pass by value". However, when a function expects a pointer variable rather than a named variable, the address of the object is copied instead. This is known as "pass by reference" and allows the function to operate (indirectly) upon the object being referenced rather than a copy of the object (any changes to a copy are not reflected in the original object). Passing by reference is particularly useful when the object is large and complex. To improve efficiency, we must avoid making any unnecessary copies of large or complex objects. Functions that do not modify an object are a prime example; there is no point in copying an object that will not be modified. If we wish a function to modify the object, we must pass the object by reference. The only time we should copy an object is when we're not interested in the modifications made by a function, or when we want to compare the changes that were made. In these cases we simply make a copy of the object before passing that copy to the function by reference. When working with concurrency, however, it is best to use pass by value semantics. In this way, each thread works with a local copy of your object, and thus avoids "race conditions", where one task is accessing an object that is being modified by another task, which can lead to unpredictable results. Pointer variables are said to "point at" the memory the refer to (hence they are called pointers). To access the value being pointed at, the pointer variable must be dereferenced. However, in the case of pointer to struct variables, the dereferencing is transparent. All variables in Go are implicitly initialised with the default "zero" value for its type. The zero value of a pointer variable is always "nil" (regardless of which type of pointer). You must never dereference a pointer variable that holds the nil value so always check the pointer is non-nil. Equally, you must never dereference a pointer to an object that no longer exists in memory. Always nil your pointers as soon as you are finished with them. The following example demonstrates how to initialise a pointer variable to a struct: package main import "fmt" type Point struct { X int Y int } func main () { v := Point{1, 2} // instantiate an object of type Point p := &v // assign the address of v to pointer p (p's type is inferred from v) fmt.Println(*p) // print the indirect value of v (dereference p) }

How are pointer different from other variables?

A pointer variable is a variable that contains the memory location of another variable or an array (or anything else in memory). Effectively, it points to another memory location. For standard variables, you define a type, assign a value to that variable or read the value from it, and you can also read the memory location (&n = memory location of n) of the variable. For pointers, you can point them to any variable, even another pointer, and you can get the value of the variable it points to (*p), the location of that variable in memory (p), or the address in memory of the pointer itself (&p). Consider: long n = 65; long *p; p = &n; Results: Type | Name | Location | Value long n 0xA3FF 65 long * p 0x31DF 0xA3FF So p points to n. Now, n = 65 &n = 0xA3FF p = 0xA3FF *p = 65 &p = 0x31DF You may find yourself having to use typecasts frequently when using pointers. Pointers are useful when passing data to functions. For instance, consider the following function: void add(int a, int b, int c) { c = a + b; } The problem here is that the computer copies each variable into a new memory location before passing them to the function as local variables. This function effectively does nothing. However, if you change the function to: void add(int a, int b, int *c) { c = a + b; } and call the function by passing in the location of the variable to the function: add(a,b,&c); then you can modify the variable itself. Pointers are also good for working with arrays: char *c = "Hello World"; int i=0; while (c[i] != 0x00) { cout << c[i]; c++ } //print one letter at a time.

What are the applications of this pointer?

The this pointer is used to refer to the object that is foremost in the current scope. It has three primary purposes. First, a programmer uses this to refer to a member variable that has been shadowed by a function argument. Secondly, it is used to obtain a reference to itself, usually for the purpose of passing itself to another function or class. Finally, the this pointer can be used to call alternate constructors of the same object, usually as a means of reusing code and providing various constructors with default arguments.

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded?

There are 5 operators which cannot be overloaded. They are: * .* - class member access operator * :: - scope resolution operator * . - dot operator * ?:: - conditional operator * Sizeof() - operator Note:- This is possible only in C++.

What is the purpose of 'this' operator in c?

Every instance of a class inherits a 'this' pointer. It always points to the instance itself. Outside of the object you must use the object's variable name to refer to the object, or instantiate a pointer to the object. But from within the object's member methods you must use the 'this' pointer which is instantiated automatically as soon as the object is constructed and falls from scope when the destructor returns. Only non-static member functions have access to the 'this' pointer. There are several uses, however the most important is when checking for self-references, particularly in the assignment operator overload. That is, any member function that accepts a reference to the same class of object should always check for self-references before attempting to mutate the instance. This is particularly important when the class "owns" memory that is dynamically allocated to it. It is also used to return a reference to the current instance from the assignment operator and from any other operator overload or function that must return a reference to the current instance (including the addition and subtraction operators). Both uses can be seen in the following stripped-down example: class MyObject { public: // Assignment operator overload.MyObject& operator= ( const MyObject & obj ){ // Self-reference check. if( this != &obj ){// Assignment code goes here... } // Return a reference to this object. return( *this ); } }; The 'this' pointer can also be used to pass a pointer (this) or reference (*this) to external functions that accept such arguments. It should also be noted that when referring to an instance member from within a non-static member function, the dereferenced 'this' pointer is implied, as in: this->[member_name] Although this usage is never required, there may be times when it can help make your code more readable, or less ambiguous, especially when a member function must handle one or more external instances of the same class.

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What is the purpose of the operator '' when used with a pointer variable?

When a pointer variable stores a non-zero memory address, we can use the dereference operator to access the value stored at that address. This is what we mean by dereferencing and is also known as indirection because we can access a value indirectly through a pointer variable. Note that if the stored address is zero, we must not dereference the pointer as the zero address indicates that the pointer is not currently pointing at any object in particular. The zero address is a reserved address so no object can ever be allocated to it.

What is the use of void pointer?

Void Pointer is a General purpose pointer ,that does not have any data type associated with it and can store address of any type of variable. Declaration: void * pointer_name;

How can I initialize a type that is a pointer to a struct in Go?

For the purpose of clarification, you cannot initialise types, you can only initialise variables (or constants) of a type. A variable (or constant) is known as an "instance" or "object" of the type. All instances of a type must be named. A pointer variable allows us to "refer" to a named object of the pointer's type. this is achieved by storing the memory address (the starting address) of that object. By changing the address stored in the pointer variable, the same pointer variable can be used to refer to different objects in memory. This is useful when passing objects to functions because if we pass objects directly (by name), the function receives a copy of the object. This is known as "pass by value". However, when a function expects a pointer variable rather than a named variable, the address of the object is copied instead. This is known as "pass by reference" and allows the function to operate (indirectly) upon the object being referenced rather than a copy of the object (any changes to a copy are not reflected in the original object). Passing by reference is particularly useful when the object is large and complex. To improve efficiency, we must avoid making any unnecessary copies of large or complex objects. Functions that do not modify an object are a prime example; there is no point in copying an object that will not be modified. If we wish a function to modify the object, we must pass the object by reference. The only time we should copy an object is when we're not interested in the modifications made by a function, or when we want to compare the changes that were made. In these cases we simply make a copy of the object before passing that copy to the function by reference. When working with concurrency, however, it is best to use pass by value semantics. In this way, each thread works with a local copy of your object, and thus avoids "race conditions", where one task is accessing an object that is being modified by another task, which can lead to unpredictable results. Pointer variables are said to "point at" the memory the refer to (hence they are called pointers). To access the value being pointed at, the pointer variable must be dereferenced. However, in the case of pointer to struct variables, the dereferencing is transparent. All variables in Go are implicitly initialised with the default "zero" value for its type. The zero value of a pointer variable is always "nil" (regardless of which type of pointer). You must never dereference a pointer variable that holds the nil value so always check the pointer is non-nil. Equally, you must never dereference a pointer to an object that no longer exists in memory. Always nil your pointers as soon as you are finished with them. The following example demonstrates how to initialise a pointer variable to a struct: package main import "fmt" type Point struct { X int Y int } func main () { v := Point{1, 2} // instantiate an object of type Point p := &v // assign the address of v to pointer p (p's type is inferred from v) fmt.Println(*p) // print the indirect value of v (dereference p) }

How are pointer different from other variables?

A pointer variable is a variable that contains the memory location of another variable or an array (or anything else in memory). Effectively, it points to another memory location. For standard variables, you define a type, assign a value to that variable or read the value from it, and you can also read the memory location (&n = memory location of n) of the variable. For pointers, you can point them to any variable, even another pointer, and you can get the value of the variable it points to (*p), the location of that variable in memory (p), or the address in memory of the pointer itself (&p). Consider: long n = 65; long *p; p = &n; Results: Type | Name | Location | Value long n 0xA3FF 65 long * p 0x31DF 0xA3FF So p points to n. Now, n = 65 &n = 0xA3FF p = 0xA3FF *p = 65 &p = 0x31DF You may find yourself having to use typecasts frequently when using pointers. Pointers are useful when passing data to functions. For instance, consider the following function: void add(int a, int b, int c) { c = a + b; } The problem here is that the computer copies each variable into a new memory location before passing them to the function as local variables. This function effectively does nothing. However, if you change the function to: void add(int a, int b, int *c) { c = a + b; } and call the function by passing in the location of the variable to the function: add(a,b,&c); then you can modify the variable itself. Pointers are also good for working with arrays: char *c = "Hello World"; int i=0; while (c[i] != 0x00) { cout << c[i]; c++ } //print one letter at a time.

What is the purpose of the pointer?

A pointer stores a relative memory link to a place where a variable's data is stored. This mechanism allows the OS to allocate memory to programs as necessary. It is considered "dangerous" to use pointers, as a single pointer can cause a program to crash, although these are exclusively programmer's error.

What are the applications of this pointer?

The this pointer is used to refer to the object that is foremost in the current scope. It has three primary purposes. First, a programmer uses this to refer to a member variable that has been shadowed by a function argument. Secondly, it is used to obtain a reference to itself, usually for the purpose of passing itself to another function or class. Finally, the this pointer can be used to call alternate constructors of the same object, usually as a means of reusing code and providing various constructors with default arguments.

What is the purpose of pointer in C?

the purpose of pointer in c for saving the memory space.,and reduce the length and complexity of the program

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded?

There are 5 operators which cannot be overloaded. They are: * .* - class member access operator * :: - scope resolution operator * . - dot operator * ?:: - conditional operator * Sizeof() - operator Note:- This is possible only in C++.

What is the purpose of the this operator?

The 'this' pointer is not an operator, it is a special pointer that exists within every instance of a class, and always points to the current instance of that class. It can only be used in non-static methods of the class because static methods do not have a 'this' pointer; static methods can be called even when there is no instance of the class. Whenever an instance method refers to one of its own members (non-static members), the 'this' pointer is implied: int CMyObject::foo() { return( this->bar ); // returns the bar member of this instance. } The 'this' pointer also makes it possible for an instance to compare itself to other instance references (often to ensure they are different instances) as well as to return a reference to itself. The assignment operator cannot be implemented any other way: CMyObject& CMyObject::operator= (const CMyObject & rhs ) { if( this != &rhs ) // check for self-reference bar =; // perform assignment return( *this ); // return a reference to this instance. } The 'this' pointer also allows an instance to pass a reference or pointer to itself to external functions, including the methods of other instances of the same class.

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The purpose of a method statement is that it provides us with the details of what the required operator is supposed to do.

What is the purpose of method statement and what is required of the operator?

The purpose of a method statement is that it provides us with the details of what the required operator is supposed to do.

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