

What is the purpose of making pyramids?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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So the Pharaoh could make a big entrance.

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Q: What is the purpose of making pyramids?
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What was the pyramids' purpose?

Pharaoh tombs.

What were the materials used for making pyramids?

They used limestone blocks to build the pyramids

What was the purpose of the pyramids being built?

For the Pharaoh tombs

What was the purpose or the pyramids in ancient Egypt?

To protect their bodies.

What was the purpose of the Old kingdom pyramids?

The pyramids that you are talking about were built to hold the remains of dead Egyptian (and other) pharoahs.

What was the purpose of the Queen's pyramids?

Egyptian pyramids were basically large elaborate tombs/memorials. Pharaohs commissioned the pyramids to be built so they could be buried inside.

What was there purpose for building pyramids?

They were burial places for important emperors.

What purpose did the Egyptian pyramids serve when they were built?

They were built as tombs.

Why did the Egyptians bulid the pyramids?

The pyramids were created in order to protect the bodies of deceased pharaohs. Pyramids were built with the purpose of being able to withstand time and essentially last forever.

Why did the ancient egyptians stop making pyramids?


Are they still making pyramids today?

Yes they are today

Were the people in Egypt the first to build pyramids?

no actaly it was the Aztec were they built step pyramids for making sacrafices to there gods.