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Q: What is the purpose of setting margins?
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Related questions

What does setting your margins mean?

setting margins means to select the about of space around the documents. Top, bottom, left and right

What is the first step in the process of setting margins?

The first step in setting margins is to open the document in the word processing software you are using, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Setting the margins of a document means that you have done what?

It means that you suck:) JK JK JK JK It means that you changed the printer margins.

What is the first step in the process of setting margin?

the first step in the process of setting margins is getting a brain

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what is the purpose of setting deadline for a goal

What steps do you take to change the margin setting?

In Microsoft Word 2003, it is under File --> Page Setup, and on the Margins tab you can set the regular margins. On the Layout tab, you can set the header and footer margins. In Microsoft Word 2007, it is on the Page Layout tab. There is a Margins dropdown menu.

What is the first step in the process of setting margins in a doucument?

penises and vagenas

What is the pre- built setting that places all four margins at 1.0 inches for Microsoft Word?

Pre-built settings are normally known as defaults. In this case they would therefore be the default margins.

What is the purpose of margin and margin lines?

Margins determine how much text will fit on a page. Margins are usually 1 inch wide on all four sides of a page, but they can be changed however you like.

How many margins does a typical letter have?

A letter typically has 4 margins. Anytime it would have margins in any other format would be for a specific purpose. For example: say a teacher, or someone you are working for, etc. asks you to write a letter to their specific margins, they may ask you instead of 4 write 2 or 3...or even 1. I hoped this helped!

What margins command are at the bottom of the Margins gallery?

custom margins

What is the purpose of drawing a setting in writing?

to generate a topic