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Mucus traps solid particles that have made it into the trachea so that the ciliated cells on the wall of the trachea can use their periodic beating motion to gradually move the trapped particles up for clearance.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The epithelium cells in the trachea are of two types-one of which secretes mucus which traps particulate matters(particles carried by the inhaled air,and the other bears cilia which moves the thin layer of the mucus.

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11y ago

The function of mucus is to produce a "blanket" that carries debri and pathogens (disease causing microorganisms like bacteria and viruses) out of the respiratory tract with the action of cilia. Cilia are finger-like projections of the plasma membranes of pseuostratified columnar epithelial cells that make up the lining of the respiratory tract.
to keep all of the bad things from going in and in more precice terms

sticking to the nose hairs and caching dust particles and also when you have a runny nose when your sick it's because the bacteria are coming out inside the snot.
Mucous in the nasal cavity helps to keep dirt, and bacterium from invading the respiratory system, and iit helps to moisten the air as you breathe in. It also keeps the nasal passages from drying out.

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9y ago

Mucus traps the foreign particles. Cilia push the foreign particles out wards. This helps to protect your lungs from damage by the particles.

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9y ago

Cilia trap particles like bacteria and viruses, the cilia sweep in an upward direction. The mucus moves up to the pharynx where it is either coughed out or swallowed.

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9y ago

Mucus secreted by goblet cells trap the foreign particles. Cilia push the particles out wards. This protects your lungs from damage by the foreign particles.

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9y ago

Mucus and cilia are usually found in your airway passage. They function to clean the air that you breathe in for dust particles and other substances that would be harmful for your lungs.

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13y ago

to keep the stomach from digesting itself

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Q: What is the purpose of mucous membranes and cilia in the trachea?
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What is the purpose of the mucous membrane and cilia in the trachea?

Mucous membranes and cilia in the trachea trap and eliminate particulate matter from inhaled air. The membranes also warm and moisten incoming air.

What is a 12 cm air tube containing mucous membranes and cilia to trap dust and pollen and bacteria?


What sticks to the cilia?

Mucous, made by mucous glands, stick to the cilia of cells that are found in the mucous membranes.

Thin hairs attached to the mucous membranes?


What is the tube held open by rings of cartilage lined with cilia and mucous membrane?

The trachea.

Why are the cilia and mucus in the nasal cavity and trachea important?

The combination of cilia and mucous helps to filter out solid particles from the air.

Name two lung defenses prevent debris from entering the body?

mucous membranes, cilia

Why are cilia in the trachea important?

These are tiny "fingers" which move mucous. The mucous is sticky and traps dust, pollen and other particles. Together the cilia move the mucous out of the lungs. If this didn't happen these things trapped in the mucous would cause damage to the lungs and a person would have breathing difficulties over time.

What is Lined with ciliated mucous membranes?

Little hairs called Cilia, which help filter dust from the air as it passes into the lungs.

What filters and cleans inhaled air by means of mucous membranes and cilia?

The air passes through the NOSE, which has mucus membranes that clean/moiston air, as well as hairs (cilia) that attach to dirt and dust particles to keep them out of the rest of the respiratory tract.Final Answer: Nose

The trachea is lined with what?

The trachea is lined with a moist mucous-membrane layer made up of cells containing small hairs called cilia. The cilia project into the channel (lumen) of the trachea to trap particles. There are also cells and ducts in the mucous-membrane that secrete mucus droplets and water molecules.Cilia are whiplike, motile cellular extensions that occur, typically in large numbers, on exposed surfaces of certain cells. In the trachea, ciliated cells that line the respiratory tract propel mucus laden with dust particle and bacteria upward away from the lungs. Centrioles, referred to as basal bodies, are the originating source of cilia.

Short hairlike appendage?

Short, hair like appendages help in fastening to mucous membranes. These numerous appendages are called fimbriae. Cilia are another short, hair like appendage that extends from living cell surfaces.