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Q: What is the purpose of northeast dairy compact?
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What is the NIDC?

The Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact

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What does a dairy compact do?

The dairy compact (and new ones, if passed) provide a floor to milk prices and guarantee regionality of milk supplies

Where is the dairy belt region in the United States located?

In the Midwest and Northeast

What was the purpose of the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

the Mayflower and the mayflower compact were two different things. The purpose of the Mayflower compact is that so they would have a plan of goverment such as just and equal laws.

What is dairy cattle reproduction?

Dairy reproduction is the breeding and milking process of dairy cattle for the purpose of milk production.

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The purpose of a compact tractor loader is for tilting, harrowing and planting on farms. They are also used in pushing or pulling heavy agricultural machinery.

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The compact video camera is used for recording things without a lot of motion. The compact video camera keeps the video you are recording still and steady.

What best describes the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

To provide guidelines......etc

What is the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

The purpose of the mayflower compact was because the pilgrims did NOT want a king or queen and they just wanted a government so they made rules. The Pilgrims went to America so they could practice religion their own way. They knew they needed rules so they created the compact before they set foot on American soil. The purpose of the mayflower compact was to form a stable government that wouldn't run out of resources quickly.

Purpose of inventing the compact disk?

It was to listen to music and now other things.

Which of these best describes the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

provide guidelines for the government of a colony