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Q: What is the purpose of port 8080 on a PC?
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Is port no 80 and 8080 is same?

No, physically they are different numbers. Logically, however, both port 80 and port 8080 listen for HTTP traffic, so logically they are the same. Port 80 is the standard, production port for HTTP traffic. Port 8080 is a 'test' port for HTTP traffic.

What is proxy port in mobiles?

It's the same as on a computer the port is 8080.

What company made the PC?

First PC 8080 made by IBM.

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What is the port number for browsing?

General HTTP requests are transmitted and received on port 80. Secure data is transmitted on port 8080.

What uses port 8080?

Port 8080 is an alternative to the port 80 used by http and web services. History: The Internet was largely born on UNIX-based systems and servers. UNIX enforces the notion of the first 1023 "privileged ports" which can only be opened by services running with so-called "root", or administrative, privileges. Historically, this meant that only authorized system administrators were able to establish and operate a web server on port 80 since this was within the first 1023-port privileged region. Therefore, when non-administrators wished to run their own web servers on machines which might already have a server running on port 80, or when they were not authorized to run services below port 1024, port 8080 was often chosen as a convenient place to host a secondary or alternate web server.

What port does http use?

HTTP is the hyper text transfer protocol . The port used by HTTP is port 80 . The HTTP is the protocol of application layer.

Why are port 8080 and 8081 are used?

Here is the use of port 8080 and 8081 8080/TCP HTTP alternate (http_alt)-commonly used for Web proxy and caching server, or for running a Web server as a non-root user Official 8080/TCP Apache Tomcat Unofficial 8080/UDP FilePhile Master/Relay Unofficial 8081/TCP HTTP alternate, e.g. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) Unofficial you can check the details of other ports on this link.

What is in and out on PC?

An 'in' port is a male port, but a 'out' port is a female port

What is the port number used for world wide web HTTP communication?

by default HTTP uses port 80. If encrypted (https) the http protocol by default is on port 443. Hope this helps. mo.

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What port opens when a PC on the network initiates communication through another port?

Port Triggering opens a port when a PC on the network initiates communication through another port.