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Q: What is the purpose of standard costing?
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Outline the characteristics and purpose of job costing and process costing?

Job costing characteristics and purpose of it: its purpose is to is to calculate the cost of the materials found in the wastestream based on purchase price of materials. Please assist me with further characteristics and purpose of job costing and process costing to this extent.

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Distinction between standard costing and actual costing?

Standard costing is process of determining the standard price require to produce one unit of product while actual costing system uses the actual prices of manufacturing one unit of product.

Define process costing its types features applications?

Job Order Costing Operation Costing Normal Costing Actual Costing Standard Costing Kaizen Costing Target Cost

Which costing method is used for external reporting purpose?

absorption costing

How can standard costing help management in determining performance of a manager?

Standard costing is a set target where it is used as a goal to monitor progress