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During the years between your first period and before menopause, the lining of the womb (endometrium) thickens monthly in preparation for potential pregnancy and is discharged as "period" if the woman doesn't become pregnant.

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Q: What is the purpose of thickening the lining of the womb?
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What is thickening of the womb please?

Thickening of the womb happens every month during a woman's monthly cycle. It is when the lining of the womb builds up so that if the egg is fertilised it will have a soft, spongy lining to implant into and will be protected throughout the pregnancy If the egg is not fertilised, the lining breaks down as it is not needed, and that is what a period is The thickening of the womb is caused by hormones that trigger it to thicken

Is thickening the endometrium the main function of progesterone during menstrual cycle?

Yes, thickening of the uterine lining is one of the main functions of progesterone during the menstrual cycle, allowing the womb to build-up the uterine lining to support a fertilised egg. If pregnancy doesn't occur then it's the drop in progesterone that causes the uterine lining to break down.

What is the purpose of the the lining of the uterus thickening?

The blood lining of the uterus gradually thickens during a woman's menstrual cycle in order to be prepared to receive the fertilized egg. This lining will shed during the menstrual period if no fertilized egg has implanted.

Can a woman without a womb menstruate?

No. Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the womb. No womb, no shedding.

Why can't you have a period when your pregnant?

Menstruation is caused by the break-down of the lining of the womb. This happens when no egg implants. Once an eggs is fertilised it attaches to the womb's lining, so the lining does not break down.

What hormone causes the lining of the womb to grow?


Which hormone stimulates the development lining of womb?


What does it mean if your uterus lining is thick but you are not pregnant?

Premenstrually the lining thickens and is later shed if there is no fertilized egg to implant into the lining. A hormonal imbalance, infection or endometriosis can all cause a thickening of the lining, irregularly during your cycle.

What is meaning of endometrium?

The membrane lining the inner surface of the uterus, or womb.

Why is period blood gooey?

Because it has blood clots and womb lining in it

What is the purpose of novasure endometrial ablation?

The purpose of a NovasSure endometrial ablation is to reduce the heaviness of a woman's periods. The method is to use electrical energy to destroy the womb lining. NovaSure is a brand name, and there are other providers and methods of ablations.

Can you have a menstrual cycle after you conceive?

No, because the egg has been fertilised and the womb lining is needed for the baby, so will not break down. Instead, when you period is due, you may have spotting which is when the fertilised egg implants in the womb lining