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Stop driving cars

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Q: What is the quickest way to reduce the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
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How can we reduce your carbon footprint?

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you can reduce your emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere.

How will the level of carbon in the atmosphere change if humans do nothing to reduce their impact on the carbon cycle?

If humans continue doing nothing to reduce their impact on the carbon cycle then the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will continue to rise.

Would animals reduce co2 levels in the atmosphere?

No, only vegetation growing removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Which way would most likely be the quickest way to reduce carbon emissions entering the atmosphere?

passing laws requiring reduction in emissions

How do carbon sinks reduce greenhouse gases?

A carbon sink is a storage for carbon. A tree is a carbon sink because it absorbs carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere, stores the carbon and releases the oxygen. So forests are major carbon sinks which reduce the levels of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

What organism are scientists using to eat carbon dioxide?

To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists are planting more green plants e.g. forests. Green plants require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

How does cellular respiration effect carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration uses oxygen and generates carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and generates oxygen.

How can using bio fuel help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Bio fuel emits carbon dioxide (CO2) that was removed from the atmosphere when the plant grew (this year, probably). Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) emit carbon dioxide that has been hidden away for millions of years. So using biofuel instead of fossil fuel means that less carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere.

How Biofuel helps to reduce global warming?


How might solar powered buildings cars reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is added to the atmosphere?

Solar powered buildings and cars reduce carbon dioxide that is added to the atmosphere because instead of having the process of burning like fossil fuels they take in the light energy from the sun, store and use it.

How might solar powered buildings and cars reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is added to the atmosphere?

Solar powered buildings and cars reduce carbon dioxide that is added to the atmosphere because instead of having the process of burning like fossil fuels they take in the light energy from the sun, store and use it.

How does burning less fossil fuels reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?

When you burn fossil fuels to make enrgy, carbon dioxide is released. So, if you burn less fossil fuels, less carbon dioxide is released.