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I recently had bloodwork done and the range that appeared on the lab sheet was 14-76 ng/dL. Hope this is helpful

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Q: What is the range of Serum testosterone in female?
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The normal levels of serum potassium are 3.5-5.0 mM

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What is the clinical reference range for serum sodium and serum potassium?

i don't know and i don't unterstand the question .

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Normal serum pH is slightly alkaline and ranges from 7.35-7.45

Is a serum creatinine that reads 120 in a female high?

The normal range for serum creatnine is 0.8 to 1.4 mg per deciliter. Is it possible that the reading is actually 1.20 rather than 120? There are many causes of elevated creatnine, including hypertension, pregnancy or dehydration.

What is the name of the male and female sex hormone?

Female-Oesterogen and Progesteron Male-Testosterone

What is the normal testosterone range in blood?

The normal FREE testosterone level (not total testosterone) ranges from 15-25.

What is the female equivalent of the male penis?

An early gestating fetus has an organ which reacts to testosterone to enlarge and become a male penis and reacts to a lack of testosterone to shrink and become a female clitoris.

What is the primary androgen produced by the male?

Testosterone is what makes us more masculine.

What hormone is responsible for changes at puberty?

In males, testosterone and androgen are the principal sex hormones responsible for puberty. The hormone that dominates female development is estradiol and estrogen.