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Q: What is the range of frequency to witch the human ear is sensitive and what is this range called?
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What is the frequency of baby's cry?

loudbetween 1,000 Hz and 5,000 Hz ... centered at 3500 Hz - a very sensitive frequency range for the human ear .. go figure

Which frequency is the human ear most sensitive to?

the ear is most sensitive around 2-5 kHz as noted in

What is the frequency range for human audiable sound?

The frequency range for human audible sound is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

What is the range of frequency that the human can hear and what term do you give that range of frequencies?

20 Hz to 20,000 Hz and they are called Audible Range (Sonic Spectrum).

What is the frequency range of radio waves that can penetrate human body?

The frequency range that the radio waves can penetrate the human body is between 1Hz and 10 KHz. This frequency of the radio waves is however not dangerous.

What is the frequency range of human speech?

200 to 9000hz

What is the range of the human ear?

The audible range varies with age and noise exposure. In frequency, it runs from about 20Hz to about 20 000Hz.In loudness it runs from below 0dB, up to about 120dB.Note since these are average figures, one-half of the folk have more sensitive hearing, and one-half have less sensitive.

What is the range in frequency of human hearing?

15,000-18,000 Hz

What is the range of frequency human can hear?

2 Hz to 20 KHz .

Why is it harmful to listen to songs?

it is harmful to listen to songs because they have a frequency higher than human frequency range.

What is the hearing frequency range for a ant?

Human and ant hearing capabilities are very different from each other. The hearing frequency range for an ant is said to be 1kHz.

Any sound with a frequency above the range humans can hear is called?

There is no such thing as a "frequency above hertz". Whatever the frequency, it will always be measured in Hertz.There is no such thing as a "frequency above hertz". Whatever the frequency, it will always be measured in Hertz.There is no such thing as a "frequency above hertz". Whatever the frequency, it will always be measured in Hertz.There is no such thing as a "frequency above hertz". Whatever the frequency, it will always be measured in Hertz.