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10th rank in u.P. And 1st in Kanpur

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Q: What is the rank of psit kanpur in uptu engg colleges?
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Your UPTU rank is 79618 and your category rank is 23277 please suggest appropriate colleges for you and aslo suggest you any other courses which will be beneficial for you should you take admission in?

My UPTU Rank is 76150 (gen) & Category Rank is22150. You are suggest me That I am Join The PSIT (Kanpur)

If your upsee rank is 20398 then can you get admission in kanpur university?

upsee rank is only for taking admission in UPTU colleges, which is not related to kanpur university. kanpur university takes its own entrance exam.

If your rank is girls rank 251 and bc rank 482 and gn rank 1205 and bcgl rank 90 will you can get hbti kanpur in computer science engg or information technology in second year?

don't know 8000

What is the rank of sri sairam engg college?

No.3 in Chennai's private engineering colleges..

What is the rank of SRM University in Indian Engg. Colleges?

It would come in TOP 50.

What is current rank of srm chennai among all engg colleges of India?

Among TOP 50.

What are the rank wise top 20 engineering colleges in uttar pradesh?

1) iit kanpur . 2) IT-BHU . 3) ITM LUCKNOW(483). 4) IIIT allahabd 5) HBTI kanpur . 6) Jypee institute of information TEchnology 7) GCTI kanpur (Textile college) 8) JSS engg college , NOIDA 9) KIET ,ghaziabad . 10) Galgotia . THANKS AND REGARDS . Priyank Dixit Above colleges really great colleges in uttar pradesh. But i am suggest one anather name is The Glocal University for Best Engineering college in uttar pradesh

Which college can you get in UPTU on general rank 3542 girls rank 891?

hi....i am n engg. student from per my knowledge you can easily get admission into jss,noida......HBTI kanpur......galgotia......bbd......nd kite as wel.....

What is the rank of psit in private colleges of uttar pradesh for engineering?

get admission in colleges and university of ur choice in pune chennai bangaluru,delhi/ncr wid minimum donation and branch of ur choice for any quiery mail me at

You have rank 18125 in general and 4769 in OBC in uptu . what colleges can you get in ghaziabad and noida?

u can get iet lucknow n hbti kanpur soenjoy.............

What is Rank of PSIT?

Fastest growing pvt institute of UP. Excellent placement cell.

Your wbjee rank is in general engg is 56000 and your sc rank is 4931 what engg colleges can you expect?

Since your rank is only apt for private engg colleges see this list. According to the WBUT survey of 2009 2010 these are the TOP PRIVATE ENGINEERING COLLEGES IN WEST BENGAL: 1. Institute of Engg and Management, Kolkata 2. Haldia Institute of Tech., haldia 3. Heritage Institute of Tech., Kolkata 4. Techno India, ( Salt Lake ,Kolkata campus ) 5. Asansol Engg College ,Asansol 6. B.C. Roy Engg college ,Durgapur 7. B.P. Poddar Inst. of Tech and Management, Kolkata 8. Netaji Subhash Engg college, Kolkata 9. CEM, Kolaghat 10. Narula Institute of Tech, Kolkata 11. JIS college of Engg ,Kalyani 12. Meghnad saha institute of Tech. ,Kolkata