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Its called sex bro

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Q: What is the rapid back and forth movements that creates sound?
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A vibration which is rapid back and forth motion?

The rapid back and forth of air or other matter is the sounds vibration (vibration is the anwser).

What are the movements back and forth that make sounds?

vibration. all sound vibrates. if you whisper so quet the sound still vibrates.

What type of sound is created when a string vibrates rapidly?

It doesn't exactly make a different sound, it just creates a sound wave with a frequency that is very rapid.

What is a quick back and forth motion called?


Does rapid have a long a sound?

No. The word rapid has a short A and a short I vowel sound.

Does the word rapid have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "rapid" has a short vowel sound. The "a" in "rapid" is pronounced as the short vowel sound "æ".

Is rapid short or long vowel sound?

rapid has a short vowel sound

Does rapid have a long vowel sound?

No, the word "rapid" does not have a long vowel sound. The "a" in "rapid" is pronounced with a short vowel sound as /æ/.

How computer output sound?

Electric current from the sound card is applied to an electromagnet changing magnetic field pushes a magnet back and forth,which is attached to the speaker cone.The moving speaker cone creates changes in the air pressure which your brain interprets as sound.

Do sound sound waves travel up or down and back or forth?

Back and forth in the direction of propagation of the sound waves.

Does rapid have a long vowel?

No. The word rapid has a short A and a short I vowel sound.

What is the difference between amplitude and vibration?

Amplitude- The maximum distance to which an oscillating or vibrating object moves from its central position is called amplitude. Vibration- Sound is produced by rapid -to and -fro movements ,called vibrations.