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Q: What is the rapid change in a membrane potential caused by the depolarization of a neuron?
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What change in membrane potential triggers action potential?


What change in membrane potential depolarization or hyperpolarization triggers an action potential?


What change in membrane potential triggers an action potential?

An ion channel.

What is depolorization?

Depolarization is a change in a cell's membrane potential, making it more positive, or less negative. In neurons and some other cells, a large enough depolarization may result in an action potential.

What is the rapid change in membrane's potential caused by the deplariztion of a neuron?

action potential

What is local response?

Local responce is a small change in membrane potential caused by a subthreshold stimulus.

When threshold is reached depolarization occurs with the same amplitude of potential change This is known as?

the all or none law

What does it mean when a graded potential is called graded Why does it get this name?

Greded Is the membrane voltage change in response to a change in membrane permeability by adding or taking out gate channel. Depolarization occurs when there is a change in voltage towards a positive values b/c of opening up Na+ gate channels Hyperpolarization occurs when there is a more negative change in voltage due to opening up Cl- or K+ gate channels. It is called "graded" b/c you can open up some or many channels so the depolarization or hyperpolarization can be big or small Graded potentials start in one spot b/c of a change in permeability and then spreads to others as it travels; called local circuit current. The strength of graded potentials decreases as it spreads along the axon and eventually dies If you inject negative ions into the cell a hyperpolarization occurs If you inject positive ions into the cell a depolarization occurs If you inject a lot of positive charge the membrane depolarizes past 0 creates action potential and then comes back down' You get action potential once you pass the threshold voltage potential. Is a rapid depolarization which repolarizes

What is the Difference between a receptor and an action potential?

action potential has a threshold stimulus and depolarization is just change in membrae potential where inside becomes for positive relative to outside. The AP has the ability to actually transmit info over long distance in axons once threshhold stimulus/depolarization is reached

A series of similar stimuli that increases change in local membrane potential is called?

Action potential

What cause the membrane potential of a neuron?

Opening or closing of ion channels at one point in the membrane produces a local change in the membrane potential, which causes electric current to flow rapidly to other points in the membrane.

When a stimulus is sufficiently great enough to change the membrane potential and propagate an action potential it is called?
