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The rate at which adiabatic cooling occurs with increasing altitude for wet air (air containing clouds or other visible forms of moisture) is called the wet adiabatic lapse rate, the moist adiabatic lapse rate, or the saturated adiabatic lapse rate.

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Q: What is the rate of cooling as you increase in elevation?
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Say you are cooling liquid A with water. The rate of heat transfer is given by Q = mH2OCpH2OdTH2O = mACpAdTA, where m is the mass, Cp is the mean heat capacity and dT is the change in temperature. So, if you increase m, the mass of water, Q increases (the rate of heat transfer increases) and hence the cooling rate would increase. And if m were to be decreased, the cooling rate would decrease. Strictly speaking, it should be the mass flowrate and not the mass that would be the parameter.

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Heating a pool will increase the rate of evaporation from that pool.

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The lapse rate is defined as the rate at which atmospheric temperature decreases with increase in altitude. It is strongly influenced by both the heating and cooling of the ground.

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Is temperature affected by elevation?

Yes. It is called adiabatic heating & cooling.

How does the air's capacity to hold water change as elevation increase?

As elevation increases, temperature decreases approximately at the rate of 12.5 degrees c every 1km upwards. As air temperature decreases, its capacity to hold water is less. Therfore as elevation increases, its water capacity will decrease.

What three things do closed circles represent on a topographical map?

The circles themselves represent elevation, the disatnce between the circles(elevation points) show distances between elevations, therefore showing you rate of elevation increase/decrease, also.