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Q: What is the ratio of total displacement of the body to the total time taken called?
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What is average velocity?

Average velocity is def.ined as the ratio of total displacement to total time taken.

What are the difference of instantaneous velocity and average velocity?

Average velocity in a direction is calculated as the displacement in that direction divided by the total time taken. As the time interval is reduced, the displacement over that period also reduces and the limiting value of that ratio is the instantaneous velocity.

Is the total volume of all the cylinders in an engine called the compression ratio?

The total volume of all the cylinders would be the cubic inch (cid) or cubic centimeter (cc) displacement of that particular engine.

What is average acceleration?

the ratio of the total change in velocity of the object during motion to the total time taken.

The total volume of all the cylinders in an engine is called?

Total displacement, usually in cubic inches or liters.

Why the ratio of displacement to distance is never greater than 1?

The technical answer is that displacement is the vector sum of the distances. An example to illustrate the difference in less technical terms, distance travelled in one direction added to the same distance in the opposite direction will result in the total distance being twice the distance of each leg but the total displacement is 0.

How is average velocity of a body calculated when its velocity changes at a non-uniform rate?

average velocity=displacement/total time taken

What is the difference between the total path taken and the straight line connecting the sarting and last points of the path?

Total path is distance Where as the straight line is the displacement In case of a body going aroung a circle completing one full round, the distance is 2piR But the displacement is ZERO There by distance is a scalar and so it does not have direction But displacement is a vector. Because of vector addition we get displacement in this case as ZERO

What is Displacement volume in reciprocating engine?

the total volume of displacement of gas by the pistons moving in the cylinders usually measured in cubic centimetres (cm³ or cc) or litres (l) or (L) (US:liter). Is called displacement volume.

Who first recognized that the ratio of the number of atoms is the same as the ratio of the masses that combine?

The first person to recognize the total ratio of the number atoms is the same as the total ratio of the ratio of the mass is JOHN DALTON.This is also called the "Law of Multiple Proportion"

What is the ratio of a frequency to its total frequency?

The ration of a frequency to its total frequency is called relative frequency.

If a vehicle moves from a point X to Y at a speed of 100 kilometer per hour and return back from Y to X at a speed of 150kilometer per hour what will be its average speed?

Let the distance between points X and Y be 'd'. Time taken in goind from X to Y=d/100Time taken in goind from Y to X=d/150Total distance covered=2d Total time taken=(d/100)+(d/150)Avg. speed=total distance covered/total time taken=120km/hrNote thatAvg velocity will be zero because we have 'total displacement/total time'.Here total displacement=0